Over 16,547,929 people are on fubar.
What are you waiting for?

iC51NerdyB...: Come smoke with us fubar.com/lounge/51... tell them nerdy sent ya! u
MetalGrann...: ill let mx and arghhhhhh know

To MetalGrann...: Are they the keeper of your voice?

To MetalGrann...: Sucks when you have others that dictate your life dosn't it... did they tell you where to poop to? Or is the down stairs bathroom good enough?

MetalGrann...: NO one dicates my life , i am mxs assistantfor over 4 years now and a very close friend of arghhhhs 7 years now ... and i happen to know u have agreed to not do sb invites to hor staff, so yeah, unsmooth of u, u tell em 1 thing and turn around and do another, i at least know i keep my word, have a great nite

To MetalGrann...: 1st I have no idea who you are... which indicates your unapportance. 2nd of all had MX cared enough to let me know who you are I would not have hit you up. 3rd. I don't look at names when I promote I just do it... The more you read names the less promoting happens

To MetalGrann...: And if MX or Argh have issues with it they would have hit me up personally. So I suppose it didn't matter

To MetalGrann...: So have fun.. 4 years apparently and still insignificate.

MetalGrann...: no the word is loyal

To MetalGrann...: No its called ignorance. You can be loyal all your life but if no one gives a shit its ignorance. My GM is Loyal... because I make sure shes important to everyone I meet.

MetalGrann...: cpet me, ironic eh, ive met u in hor quite a few times, i actually was told ur very nice by both arghh and mx, not sure what the problem is here, i just thought there was an agreement, between friends, but obviously not, and im thru wth this convo, udo ur orgy and ill do hor, have a good nite

To MetalGrann...: I just sent an oppertunity and you spit in my face... all you could have said was not interested I work for Hor and all would have been fine... but you pulled the tattle tail bs of an 8 year old so I spoke up

To MetalGrann...: Like MX or Argh have athority over what I do or something... lol their not my parents man. Or scrapper


To MetalGrann...: I'm js when you approch it like an adult you get adult answers.

MetalGrann...: lmfao, yeah, adult

MetalGrann...: carry on now

MetalGrann...: all this over an invite, hope u treat ppl better if they come in, js

So she unfriends me... I didn't even know we we're friends... thats how Insignificate she was... I get this one this morning...

iC51NerdyB...: Come smoke with me!!! fubar.com/lounge/51... Tell them Nerdy sent ya :D ff
May 2, 2018
DJHatchet ...: still working the love nest

iC51NerdyB...: KK Sorry to bother ya Hope your well



See it's really Just that simple... some peoples kids.





NICOLE E H...: sis i need help







NICOLE AKA...: i cant remember a guys last name that only plays gutair







NICOLE AKA...: oh ok ty sis 




iC51NerdyB...: anytime



@ fubar



: do you thin you could handle 20 orgasm in one night
October 26, 2016

: Do you think your ready to take on the evil slander in a cooperate world? Can you handle the Trumpinator when he is at your door step? Do you not understand the NWO? Can you fight the Power of Obama Care? If I sent you to Iraq to save all the children in one one Van do you believe you could bring them to a better place? Have you ever been an Executive Manager at a restaurant in the alps? Did you know that Crested Geckos sleep with their eyes open? Did you see that success story about the fetus that was removed from its mom and than put back in and had 2 Birthdays? Did you know Trick Daddy is the most hated man in the Black Woman Community right now? If you don't know, now you know Inglewood!



@ fubar


Devon Robi...: Suck me

iC51NerdyB...: Your mom.

Devon Robi...: Your mom?

iC51NerdyB...: Your mom shoulda swallowed 

Devon Robi...: its okay if you coukdnt handke it

iC51NerdyB...: Kinda like the load of your dads you swallowed when he called you princess?

Devon Robi...: It's okay don't be sad

iC51NerdyB...: African dwarf frogs live their entire lives underwater but need to rise to the surface to breathe air because they have lungs and not gills. These frogs are small in size and do not weigh more than a few grams. They vary in color, for the most part ranging from olive green to brown with black spots.


iC51NerdyB...: The average life expectancy of these frogs is five years, but they can live as long as 20 years; they can grow to 6.35 cm (2.5 in) long Like your brain. When young, African dwarf frogs can be mistaken and sold as African clawed frogs, of the genus Xenopus, which are larger and more aggressive than the dwarf aka Me.

Devon Robi...: Lol you wouldn't have a chance

iC51NerdyB...: All species of Pipidae are tongueless, toothless, and completely aquatic. They use their webbed feet to shove food in their mouths and down their throats, and a hyobranchial pump to draw or suck food into their mouths unlike the bitches you find. Pipidae have powerful legs for swimming and lunging after food. They also use the claws on their feet to tear pieces of large food.

iC51NerdyB...: Shall I continue?

iC51NerdyB...: I get your slow at answering... being poor, not having a computer, boner loss... makes sense. You see Charles In Charge... when you learn the fine essence of Science you have the ability to turn chicks like myself on! 

iC51NerdyB...: So back to our Science lesson about African Dwarf Frogs?

iC51NerdyB...: Perhaps we should switch it up to the Spiny Leaf Insect? That's my favorite!
And that's how you get men off your nuts! :) 
OnlineAnna still abuse ur lil chat power ifnit only place u ca...
subject: lol
received: 09/28/2015 08:44 pm
replied: 09/28/2015 08:51 pm   block this member
I don't have no dsb or anything, ya let a salty cunt like Anna have some chat power cause the loser life sucks so when she gets butthurt when she starts with me prolly cause I'd never give her time of day, she does that now, that's why minx ejected her last time but its cool y'all back the loser its just chat to me and more lounges  unlike Anna my life is great and don't revovle around a lounge lmao have good night mam tell Anna she can make up a bf on fubar but she can't fool her depression in relife old chubby 


> DSB = Deadly Sperm Buildup. It happens to men online who don't get any in RL and need to rub one out so they can one day become men. I noticed your status, its cute that she has gotten to you, so bad that you blasted her name in your status because you are still a child. I love how you beat up on woman, do you do that often? Is there a medal for that? Do you win a prize? I was actually in a skype call with anna and minx when she ejected minx... so nice try, and everything you said to her and jester was Screen Shot and deleted into history this morning. You know all that ganging up on them you did cause your trying so hard to fit in. It's adorable seriously. Anyways, when you decide to put your big boy pants on, learn to not take things seriously, and attempt really hard not to beat woman, we may choose to accept you as one of our own! :)  


OnlineAnna still abuse ur lil chat power ifnit only place u ca...
subject: RE: RE: lol
received: 09/28/2015 08:59 pm
replied: no   block this member
first off I can get when I need second she never got to me dummy I put it there cause she blocked me cause her world relies on chat when mine doesn't lmao when inturn this off I got a real life not sure many of y'all do sad, but I put it on status so u can run ur big mouth about it and it gets back to her and she feels stupid lol,cause women desrve to be beet this is chat darling many of them out there js, chat don't get to me I have a real life off here, ffs undumbass I fight for real promotions on shows,  try process that and if u can't Google it like u had dsb moron. nigger sure women need fingernthhem selves too sobthe don't be salty annoyed cunts like well u and her :s love y'all too y'all make it fun seeing y'all mad ima continue to out status they get many likes ;)
OnlineAnna still abuse ur lil chat power ifnit only place u ca...
subject: RE: RE: lol
received: 09/28/2015 09:03 pm
replied: no   block this member
again nothing with me taken seriously yal end other hand I think y'all but hurt and who teamed who? get urbshit straight her and jester got on me cause I saidnindont like a football team get facts straight and I do beat upb women but way most them act starting to think I dont feel bad if half y'all guys did it to yall,and minx ejected Anna cause she dumb trying to get me ejected and inwas ignoring her and it wasn't this morning again learn ya facts ;) u can ban me I don't give a fuck its chat for fun I'll fine new ones  have nice night fuck off and spin that how everbu want :) its y'all who's butt hurt not me
Onlinewell the single life is my opening and i am having a won...
subject: hi
received: 09/22/2015 02:15 am
replied: 09/22/2015 06:58 am   block this member
hey i dont mean to upset you or anything but after i got in trouble with scrapper over pictures on my profile i am very advert and cautious ...and one of your enforcers was being racist rude and horribly insulting me over what a professional gynecologist has told me and starting calling me names left and right so i went reported him and sent screenshots to fubar support his name is Necro ...sorry once again i only came in to have a nice convo i did not fight back either i just left and reported sorry again


My reply:

Are people not aloud to have freedom of speech? I mean you yourself lives in Ohio. And when did you get upset about someone talking shit in an internet chat room, this could have been easily avoided if you had ignored it and moved on? I feel like every dude on here has no balls anymore, its like the females are the ones with balls these days. Anyways I talked with him and he showed me screen shot, but nothing in there said the N word, the B word, the M word, the C word, the S word... because that would be racial. But stupid is not a race its a word meaning dumb, and uneducated. Having sex on a table of ice in no way increases fertility, hello chick here talking. I kinda wish I was there for this insane convo. Was that racist? Calling it insane? If so sue me now. Even google itself says not to do this, think about it. heat creates friction. Heat melts ice... and the ice is being melted and mixing with the sweat... the freezing temperature then sticks the human body. And salty sweat is a higher risk. If sperm banks freeze sperm cells to help sustain the life of the sperm cells and that by illogical and highly dangerous experiment... the ejaculate in the male would actually explode the testicles from the sperm cells movement being hindered. Now ask me what Necro does for a living k GO. It is that of a moron to not do their research first hand. OMG I said Moron, that must be incredibly racist what ever are we to do? now lets go back to the word Racial which came to live in 1855 and states race meaning the color of a persons skin not your intellectual prowess i.e. exceptional valor, bravery, or ability, especially in combat or battle. Alright moving back to this ice thing, go to your freezer get some ice get some salt put both in the palm of your hand, grasp tightly imagine your testicles wait for 10 mins look down at he huge bleeding scar on your hand, and ask yourself... Why does the gynecologists hate penis. Don't worry I'll be here all night. As soon as your done with that experiment you will thoroughly understand why he called you stupid. I recommend calling 911 immediately. And if you have 1 gram left in your testicles I suggest apologizing to him. So being a blond hair, blue eyed white boi seems funny that experiencing white on white hate from a guy that just happens to be a member of mensa, don't worry I'll wait for you to google that, I highly doubt you know what that is. I can't expect you to understand the concepts that someone like this would be trying to share with you, if you had an I.Q. over 4 you would understand that he was trying to help you not insult you. This is not a BLM situation. He was unaware that your hands were up, and your to dumb not to charge him. Alright so that includes this portion of Stupid. Can not wait for the next person who hates OGAH since there are just so many haters rying to take us down! :):):)

Onlinewell the single life is my opening and i am having a won...
subject: RE: hi
received: 09/22/2015 09:44 am
replied: 09/22/2015 04:08 pm   block this member
you know he didnt show you all of the screenshots but w,e i showed the bouncer the real screenshots and if you want to cyber bully go right ahead i just forward your entire insulting conversation to fubar ......yes make somone hurt themself over cyber bullying that makes you so special lmaooo but do what you want i dont have time for childish acts on cyber bullying 


Onlinewell the single life is my opening and i am having a won...
subject: RE: hi
received: 09/22/2015 10:26 am
replied: 09/22/2015 04:20 pm   block this member
i would also like to add does it make you proud to yourself that insult peoples intelligence and etc and literally go asking them to hurt themselves ? i dont see what makes you so big lol your insulting me behind a computer like that necro kid who didnt show you all of the screenshots ...im not out here to hate on ogah or w,e its called i dont appreciate being insulted and slurred at thank you very much now if you are wanting to have a decent conversation instead of going after me with a knife ill be around too !


My reply:

 Aweee did a widdle bitty guy on a chat room call you stupid? That sucks man... you should see the shit I get daily... Yet I don't let it effect me... and why you ask? Cause that's life... life is hard and it beats you every chance you get. Maybe mommy will hug you and tell you its ok next time you decide to bring bodily harm to your self over a conversation. :) You should read up more on whos being a child. We didn't report you... but you reported us because you got your feeler hurt online... aweeeee. And yes, I got all the screenshots you forget I was also there spying on the convo, hello OWNER of the lounge. BTW it's not cyber bullying if someone is having a conversation with someone remember you hit me up first i.e. you asked for me to talk to you! :) I guess I', going to have to report you now for cyber bullying because you called me special :o

My Other reply to 2nd Message:

If you in any way thought I was insulting your intelligence. Why did you not google all these things prior to this conversation. Do your research homie... always. Just because one is out of school does not mean they should not still study. I gave you a scenario of what happens when ice and salt was applied to the skin. If you chose, you not me, chose to do such things that's on you. I was not forcing you with a knife in your face or a gun to your head. But if you want to judge me at all I'm open for it. :) You hated on OGAH the min. you left OGAH. You reported someone for having a conversation. Then you reported my lounge even though I and my lounge had nothing to do with your conversation. If you are going to state a subject for a conversation you have to be prepared for others to jump in, or its not a conversation and your basically talking to yourself and being ignored. Necro was trying to help you, not get mad at you. But you saw it as him attacking you which was never the case. So you got mad and reported him. Is he not allowed to speak his mind about the conversation you dis towed in OGAH? Let me guess you were holding a gun to his head saying you will respect me and say the right things. Because that's what this sounds like. Respect might I add is earned, not given. The cute thing is your talking to me about this whom was not involved, instead of manning up and talking to Necro whom you had the problem with in the first place., But if your going to continue to speak to me over this I suppose I will keep answering so I don't sound rude even though you reported me which was rude. The decent conversation that you want to have with me starts with you. You attacked me first by stating your reporting me, then we talked and you reported me again. Then you called me special, which is an insult to special needs kids, and continuously keep throwing knifes at me, and you want me to treat you good? Ha. that is adorable.

Onlinekindly stop messaging me i dont want you drama even if y...
subject: RE: hi
received: 09/22/2015 04:32 pm
replied: 09/22/2015 10:32 pm   block this member
im only going to say this once i didnt report your lounge i reported him .....and then you went and started acting like your better than me by talking down to me ....and insulting me ...and etc so yes i asked scrappers about it but i never went to file a report i asked if thats what it was called then we talked and he told me to jsut not talk to you idk where you grew up thinking its ok to talk down to a military veteran or even a normal person at that but its not right at all ...you were not putting a scenerio out you were insulting and you and i both know it i dont have have a problem with you therefore i will not block you thats all on yourself but i am done being treated the way you are doing so ....yeah you might have a ph.d or sometihng idk and idc but still should talk to others as they would like to be treated ......have a wonderful day and good luck on your lounge 

My reply:

I didn't talk down on you. I talked like I do to everyone I know. Although all the people I talk to get that cause they do the same and it works. Its hard being apart of that group of people it truly is. I don't care if your military, a doctor, a garbage man, a priest or a mom. facts are facts. Obviously the admin took our side, cause well me and Necro are talking now in the lounge having a wonderful conversation about music. So perhaps were not the only ones that thought you were stupid :)

Onlinekindly stop messaging me i dont want you drama even if y...
subject: RE: hi
received: 09/22/2015 10:34 pm
replied: 09/22/2015 10:35 pm   block this member
why dont you stop talking to me and grow up please ok thank you and good bye 

My Reply: 

Your the one that keeps on messaging me after scrapper told you not to... so how bout you listen to him :)


Ugh I thought the Military was suppose to have balls... I guess I was wrong.


Luffy: Nerdy I need to be unbanned lol, remember SEAN banned me cause my ex was a member

iC51NerdyB...: Who was your ex... to many years cant remember shit lol

Luffy: rhiannon

Luffy: i justwanna hang and have fun, nuthing else

Luffy: look i was a member for almost 5 months before she had Seanjohn ban me for no reason

Luffy: you even sbed me and asked why i had been in lounge, i got rude but i was mad...i thought you was the one who banned me till she confessed to me

iC51NerdyB...: I believe it was for beating her and a police report

Luffy: lmao funny i went to court and she was proven to falsing fying reports

Luffy: and that shet has nuthin to do with fubar

Luffy: i proved my innocents, why do i have to keep provin myself?

Luffy: js nerdy

Luffy: lol in facty she lives with me right now

Luffy: so yeh...go figure

iC51NerdyB...: It would if you decided Hey that chicks hott and then you got with one of my staff and then one thing led to another... and then I'd be responsible and beat myself up over it and la la la never a good combo, if you were innocent you wouldent keep going on about it sounds like my ex

Luffy: lmfao...tell you what i will post the court papers, then tell everyone on here how your staff judges people for bullshet reasons like idk seanjohn was pissed he cudnt get rhiannon in the first place

Luffy: in fact i will have rhiannon contact you herself, and then when she proves it was all bullshet i will run your loungein the ground... i tried talking to you 2 times now

Luffy: and we all know what rumors does on fubar

iC51NerdyB...: Im not here to judge... im just going by the facts on this sheet... yes we write erryone down and keep records. I dont know why you wanna come in anyways... erryone knows OGAH isent for regulars its for new fus... and those you can find on the search list as well as new members tab

Luffy: i tried to be nice and prove i was ionnocent, and enjoy a lounge i was a member of for a lo0ng time

Luffy: now i will do everything i can to show your just elitish fools who mistreat fubar people, and i will enjoy it...many lounges have fallen off the map for less. Lets see how long yours lasts when everyone sees you play favorites and ignore facts, and use personal judgement to decide who is allowed there

Luffy: btw copy this convo, i have

iC51NerdyB...: Umm... this is my lounge, if I dont like you I don't need to unban you its really that simple IDGAF who you are... you piss in my cereal or my staffs I stick up for them regardless. Besides the fact that you wanna be in OGAH cause you miss it really dosent tell me the real reason for wanting to be here...

iC51NerdyB...: No one fights this hard to be unbanned from a silly chat room

Luffy: lol. ok

Luffy: if your not worried why ya still sbing?

iC51NerdyB...: If you make a threat better believe I'll be in your box 

Luffy: shows your worried, im fighting for it cause i got back on fu and im tired of being judged cause sumone else lies on me

iC51NerdyB...: Then maybe you should talk or beat that other person

Luffy: i dont beat anyone, whole reason im talking

iC51NerdyB...: Im a chick I got other chicks backs... sorry

Luffy: lmao really, cause rhiannon only talked shet bout yall when i asked her about me beingbanned

iC51NerdyB...: Everyone talks shit about us why you think we stay #1? We fucking love our haters... lol i encourage it

Luffy: i was told she didnt want to be in your lounge because seanjohn wudnt leave her alone, sound familiar..hes done it alot

iC51NerdyB...: Awesome then he was doing his job

Luffy: listen to what ya just sed, people talk shet...funny

Luffy: my point exactly

iC51NerdyB...: Yeah everyone talks shit about everyone... your sitting here talking shit about Sean John... to me... not him

Luffy: ty ya just admitted seanjohn ios suppoese to harras female members of fubar....nail in the coffin...knew ya cud do it

Luffy: oh trust me i called his coward ass out too, he ran

iC51NerdyB...: SJ can do what ever he wants... there are no rules, if he wants to hit on chicks thats his bid, not mine... I dont run his life... but I will tell you this your not doing a good job getting unbanned 

Luffy: ty nerdy this whole thing was just to get info, ty  have a nice day

Luffy: lol i dun want unbanned, ya just thiought i did

iC51NerdyB...: Awesome, now go post it somewhere so erryone can think for themselves and you help me with more haters 

iC51NerdyB...: You did me another solid ty

Link: http://fubar.com/7089417


I love people like this... their so cute with their small threats and ridiculous come backs... i figured I had to share this one! After countless of fake account and "never give up attitude" he shall be a bored dumbass in a few mins... 




iC51NerdyB...: Thank you for being a troll today and keeping us @ #1 




Wurd8your8...: your welcome...than your ppl shouldent ban ppl for no reason...just because of some drama that happend 5 years ago




iC51NerdyB...: You were banned for ganging up on a girl... because you sir are still 8... I'm guessing daddy was never around? Anyways beat up on someone your own sex next time.




Wurd8your8...: your right....my parents fuked me big time...but if they ban me for no reason imma fuk for no reason better go make new cams cause i aint gona quit




iC51NerdyB...: Fine with me  Haters make us famous, specially prestant ones




Wurd8your8...: your welcome 




Wurd8your8...: if you make new cams your done with the problem i cant do shit no more than...well i can actualy...im from europea we hack for a livin but..ill settle if you make new cams than im done n wont bother till than ill keep this unmutes cam open  muah xoox




Wurd8your8...: shit happend if you fuk the wrong ppl




iC51NerdyB...: Seems like everyones a hacker now a days... you should find a new hobby




Wurd8your8...: haha give me a day..ill know your adress...i dont know you..you have did nothing to me...your ppl or 1 person banned me for no reason but your here to clean up the shit...my lady dont do it i will bug your life for a very long time




iC51NerdyB...: so view page source = hacking? That's like ordering mcdonalds = cooking




iC51NerdyB...: Although it is a cute attempt. And Go ahead find me... my shits posted public  When you come over bring pie... I love pie 




Wurd8your8...: fine if you want it...pls dont ask me pls stop or this or that you can call the cops for the hacking stuff but im in europe diff rules mfr...so much for standing up for some1 in a lounge goodjob 




iC51NerdyB...: You really have nothing else going on in your life do you?




iC51NerdyB...: Like your the 1st one in all 8 years of OGAH to get butt hurt over being banned... lol




iC51NerdyB...: Welcome to the "I hate OGAH Club" Because I got banned. I've been banned by all lounges but 2 but you don't see me taking it serious 



Wurd8your8...: if you see strange things on your bank account..greetz me jamie vlademier...now you got my name...proof of me saying this...all for you to go to the police just for you to give you a lil hope lol




Wurd8your8...: We will hack you no worries




iC51NerdyB...: The funny thing is... you didnt even ask to be unbanned you just started making false accusations about me which you know nothing about




iC51NerdyB...: waits for next googled comeback




iC51NerdyB...: So you coming back in the lounge any time soon? I think they miss you




Wurd8your8...: haha dont get tricked by them european boyz lmao...you judt had to back off but you couldent




iC51NerdyB...: That statement alone told me all I needed to know, your dumb.




Wurd8your8...: youll see tomorow them european boys is gonna i have to pay 250 dollars tho its worth it




Wurd8your8...: easy money




iC51NerdyB...: Ugh... your so stupid. You call yourself a hacker... yet you have to pay someone you dont even know cause well you have no friends if your here on a saturday talking to me and making fake accounts on a social network site all cause you got butt hurt from being banned from an online chat room




Wurd8your8...: good luck my friend wish you the best ...better safe these measages foe the police no




iC51NerdyB...: Is this why your single?




Wurd8your8...: haha goodluck




iC51NerdyB...: I'll take that as a yes




Wurd8your8...: you made the wrong choice...you will see ciao




iC51NerdyB...: Your threatening me... yet I have been nothing but nice to you... how does it feel to be a small boy?




iC51NerdyB...: DSB Huh?




iC51NerdyB...: Whats next you gonna block me?




iC51NerdyB...: Have you figured out my name yet? Address?




iC51NerdyB...: Hows those cams doing?




iC51NerdyB...: Bored yet?




iC51NerdyB...: I suppose this will be the last time we talk




iC51NerdyB...: Any last words mate?




Wurd8your8...: watch your bank account this week..imma say your welcome my lady
For more information from this dude please visit his page, maybe he'll slap down 250 for you to :)

@ fubar


under and ...: how are you




To under and ...: Im good, how are you?




under and ...: hi im craig i run the best dj service in all of ohio i have sonic boom and feel the sound dj service i play fair grounds and such




under and ...: im good




under and ...: i dj bars




under and ...: weddings




under and ...: 6000 watts 52 in my stacks




under and ...: we call it the wall of sound




under and ...: bad ass




To under and ...: what mixer do you use?




under and ...: old school alexas




under and ...: i shake the bottles off shelfs




under and ...: shit drops off walls and celings come down lol




under and ...: i play meatal







under and ...: and drink 151 rum




under and ...: mtx speckers




under and ...: 22 years non ever blow




under and ...: usa rules




under and ...: free air subs




under and ...: 38.000.00 for my system




To under and ...: Awee cool a alexis right on I have a numark ns6... I own OGAHRadio 2.7 million listeners on tunein, itunes, tuner24!




under and ...: i play live




under and ...: and sing for band







under and ...: i use to do that not same thing




To under and ...: You use to do that, but not the same thing?




under and ...: i dont have time to wasted have a good one 




To under and ...: Your wasted? we knew that when you walked in




under and ...: lol allways




under and ...: time for power saws







To under and ...: whys you dressed up like a cowboy man you gets no bitches




under and ...: i have good one




under and ...: later im good




under and ...: all for the gig you do




under and ...: and after all mite need to take a ride




under and ...: i live life and i ride bmx pro to




under and ...: im riped im fast as fuck




under and ...: got shit to do it tell you im out




To under and ...: If you were out you would have stopped talking... so anyways why did you come to fubar? To be fake? Show off your school bus and bicycles your dad bought you... I know you told me you do live shows... do you have any proof? flyers a website of your own? and wheres those pics of your mixer? hmm...







under and ...: all shit ive restored in spare time




under and ...: ive done alot in my life nnot sit on lap top talking shit my homes payed for cash my live is good and the bus was for the school kids ass




To under and ...: Cool story bro... want a violin? So wheres those flyers, website, pics of that mixer?




MusicRay Made Me Do It... https://fubar.com/lounge/51385
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C51 Creations
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Fubar: Level Up Help
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Fakes Of The Day
 11 years ago
Fubar Coding Blogs
 11 years ago
FUBAR Need To Knows
 11 years ago
 12 years ago
Government Sh*t/News
blogroll (list of blogs that the blogger recommends)
8 years ago 
fubar news by babyjesus  
13 years ago 
The IXII Era. by 3434937  
11 years ago 
my voice blogs by 6202806  
1 year ago 
Real Fu-Kin Life. by Johnnydevil  
11 years ago 
important news by TSmooth  
11 years ago 
Contest blogs by 8216893  
9 years ago 
PieDaDDY's PSA by PieDaDDY  
9 years ago 
Bits and pieces by 10176986  
8 years ago 
Cherry Inferno Info by DarkNymph LFH  
official fubar blogs
 8 years ago
fubar news by babyjesus  
 14 years ago
fubar.com ideas! by babyjesus  
 10 years ago
fubar'd Official Wishli... by SCRAPPER  
 11 years ago
Word of Esix by esixfiddy  

discover blogs on fubar

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