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Power Ups index

BoomerangMake It RainUnlimited 11sMega PolisherNight StarDouble PointsFamplifierCherry BombAuto 11sRock StarBig BangGod Mode

This blog has too many entries to be one page, SO I'm going to link each one to the icons above. Want to see more than what's documented about (most of) them, and read some of my opinions about when to run and when to not run some of them, just click the icon that you want.

I have no experience with either the Pimp Hand or the Shield, so I won't write about those at this time.



(15 credits)
Going somewhere for a while? With the Boomerang activated, everyone that rates your profile will receive an instant 11 rate back without depleting your daily supply. 1000% point bonus will be rewarded to both parties for the rating action! Lasts FOUR (4) hours!

The description sounds very simple, so why do Boomerangs cost only 15 credits, and a Rock star costs 35 when they both last four hours? Simple, this one only affects (resets) PROFILE RATES, while the Stars affect (resets) LIKES. Liking someone, does not require you to go to their profile, and when profiles can be viewable to friends only, or require a salute, runing a Boomerang while restricting your viewabiliy, can significantly effect how well it works for you. One ideas is to change the viewing to everybody for the duration of the power up, then change it back. Do that if you want to make more work for yourself.

Also, people often think that running any power up will attract people to like you, so why not just run the cheapest power up. Simply put, you get what you pay for. The investment in stars far outweighs running cheaper boomerangs.

The boomerang by itself does just what it says. There are two specific undocumented things.

1. For level 39, users must be rated 11 by any top 250 lifetime, which is automatic if they rate any top 250 who is running a boomerang. Even if they rate 10, the return is always 11. Do ten, and that part is done. You should still friend request as many top 250 as you can, because reaching level 40 is when you start really playing.

2. Two other power ups, FAMPlifers, and Big Bangs also reset the ability to rate your profile. There are ways to run any two or all three of them and one or more extra rate reset. Since this blog is dedicated to each power up by itself, I will write one blog specifically for that.

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Make it Rain


Make It Rain
(15 credits)
Get an extra 100% Bonus fuBucks for 2 hours!


This power up is all but obsolete. The only times it would be useful now would be to earn a very few achievements. The only levels that require a fubuck balance are 32 (25 million) and 52 (500 million). When I was at 54 there weren't bonuses like there are now, and I had to wait for that one reason. 
ADDITION - February 2017
NOW, with the addition of high Fubucks gifts, and achievement that correspond with them, these have come back into play. The trick is to run them with the best bonuses for receiving points. Those are for LIKES, Bombing, and All Powerup usage. Also a Double Points Powerup comes in handy too.

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Unlimited 11s


(15 credits)
Activate this power up and have unlimited 11s for EIGHT (8) hours.

Spring 2015, Fubar stopped having unlimited 11s as a bonus, and came up with this and it lasted four (4) hours. They did not sell well, so they made an achievement for first time activated. A lot of complaints, and they changed it to eight (8) but and brought back the unlimited 11's, at first about once per month, and during the time this was written, it's almost once a week.

You get no bonus points. You don't reset the ability to re-rate your profile, it's primary use is to be able to attempt the hardest achievements for rating profiles 11 in a day. The toughestes one is:

Rate 10,000 Newbies 11 in a Fubar Day. I know of only one other person besides myself, who has completed it. You can complete it also if you have many people reset your 11's (VIP of course) about 40 times. Other than that, there is nothing more to say about this power up, so I will instead explain my little experience with it, and how I went about completing that most difficult achievement. I call it the most difficult because unlike the 5000 rates for Fu Darling, this one is 100% solo.

UPDATE: 07/03/16 - The new achievement difficulty index has one hidden feature. If you hold your mouse over the meter on any achievement, it will show you how many have it completed, up to 999. Then it changes to 1000+, 2000+ 3000+ etc. This image shows the meter for this most difficult achievement.


Like many, I bought (traded) one, but when I activated it, I was "out of 11s", so I screen captured it, and sent a message to Fubar Support. All they really could do, was to give me another one. I still have that power up, almost one year old, and will never use it.

I decided on a weekend that started with unlimited 11's in June 2015. I went to bed early, and was working it immediately at Fu Midnight. When the bonus is unlimited 11's, the actual limit is 9,999. I used that counter as the only way to determine how many newbies I had rated 11. While at it, I also went to like 10,000 newbies for the achievements (and also for 5,000 each).

The counter started at midnight with what was remaining from the day before, so I recorded that number in Notepad as a reference. At 1:30AM Fubar time, 11's reset, so my counter would jump back to 9,999. So I recorded my count right before that time, and that was my reference in addition to the difference in how many from 9,999 I had remaining. That meant, I would need no 11s reset to get to 10,000 in one day. Pretty good strategery if I say so myself.

Doing some other arithmetic, dividing 10,000 into one day, that works out to one rate and like every 8.64 seconds. That sounds fast but that's easier than it looks because newbie profiles open much faster because they often have one photo, and haven't discovered what skins are. It's a good idea to block skins too.

I would use the lower levels, starting at 20 doing a search, first male, then female (gives more results that way) then open only those with green names. Since I got this done, the name color option was put into place, and newbies were changed to white when they verified email, which makes this now very tough using this method. You still have to find 10,000 newbies because they won't run a boomerang to reset.

I would use one hand on my keyboard, and the other on the mouse. I would hold the Ctrl key down, and left click each one to open them in new tabs. When I had a good number open, like 30+, I would use Ctrl-Tab to go to the next tab, click like first then the 11 rate. Immediately I would press Ctrl-W to close that tab and automatically go to the next. On a search page of levels 1 or 0, I could open all the profiles listed as green, like and rate them all, and complete all 30 in about 90 seconds. Then click the next page and repeat. I would miss and click 10 once in a while. The trick there was to not re-rate them 11, because it won't count but it will subtract on how many 11' you have left and throw off your counting. Also. always LIKE first, then RATE, because if you rate a newbie during the same SECOND of time as you open their page (including switching tabs) the Fubar Servers will see this and give you a "Rating too fast, ignored" message and force you to click again.

Fubar has in place the bouncer that will show up if you open too many things to fast, and there is also one undocumented feature that prevents you from opening too many profiles each hour, which is 1,000. Starting at the second hour, I reached the 1,000 threshold at about 52 minutes. Any profiles clicked after that, I would get a totally white screen. Unable to rate or like any more. When the top of the hour came, I was then able to open more profiles and continue. I used this as a way to document 1,000 newbie profiles liked and rated each hour, and used the remaining time to stretch out my legs and get something to eat/drink.

This achievement is a very lonely process. Nothing anyone can do to help you with this. Posting a banner is pointless, and you don't have much time to respond to friends who want to chitchat. SO the only thing I did was update my status with my running count. When I got to the higher numbers, I got some cool profile status comments and shout box messages. 

After the sixth or seventh time I got to the white screen, Fubar did the next thing to slow things down. Instead of 1,000 profile views per hour, I was now limited to 350. At least I was well past 7,500 and when I got the achievements for 5,000 each, I had a new reference point to know how much farther I had to go. I went to the support lounge to ask about the limits with the white screen. Not one of the bouncers had ever heard about the 350 limit, but I was all but accused of running scripting language to get this done. Nothing could be further from the truth. I had literally opened, liked, rated and closed 1,000 profiles in as fast as 44 minutes (I got faster with time).

In the middle of the day, the unlimited 11's was changed to something else, and with the 350 limit per hour, I wasn't going to run my FOUR HOUR Unlimited 11s power up. So, I had a couple friends use their ability points to refresh my 11s enough times. I completed the 10,000 newbie likes but was about 150 short of the 11 rates because all the ones I missed and clicked 10, didn't count when I re rated. It was a little time later, and I did complete them all.

Finding 10,000 newbies was a lot of work. I got about 6,000 fast using the searching for levels 0 and 1, then doing a new search when I got to page 100 for each. Doing separate searches for each gender gave me more than not searching that way, so I had to manually enter the url for the rest. IF user number 1003946 is a newbie (just an example), then user number 10039461 would also be a newbie even if they don't show up in a search. This is how I found the 10,000 necessary to complete them. All profiles were manually opened, manually liked, manually rated, and manually closed, and I still had more than six hours left in the day.

Also, when GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) midnight comes, NOT FUBAR Midnight, the newbies on their 7th day automatically are no longer newbies. It's not the exact minute that their profile was created. I tried to explain this in the Fubar Support lounge and not one of the several bouncers was able to grasp that concept. All computers connected to the internet with automatic time adjustment, use GMT as a reference. Even servers. The time zone you choose places the correct system date/time on your screen, but the internal clock is still at GMT. There are a few advantages to being an IT professional that can be of great help.

The one other Fubar item that uses GMT is the date recorded for compling achievements. If you complete one after GMT midnight, it will display the date complete (not the time) as tomorrow. Try this if you don't believe me.

So if you want to go for this (or even just the 5,000 one that very few have done) I'll be happy to give you some one-on-one time to help you practice your technique. I really do want to see someone else get this achievement.

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Mega Polisher


Mega Polisher
(20 credits)
Polish more bling! With the Mega Polisher activated, polish an unlimited amount of bling and receive 3X points for each polish! The person polishing YOUR bling also receives 3X points while the Mega Polisher is active! Lasts SIX (6) hours!

The whole process of polishing has undegone a number of changes. The original limit was ten per user, including yourself. Only having someone blocked would prevent polishing.

Spring 2015, this was first changed to 100 per user, then the ability to limit who can polish and be able to change that at will. The latest change came inthe Summer of 2015 and it's based on level. At my level 63, it's 1,000 per user per day.

People would get blocked just for polishing someone's pony. The problem is, blocking should really only be used for obnoxious members who wear out their welcome or should probably be reported. Keeping someone blocked for more than three days, to just make a point, in my opinion, is childish, yet some still have me blocked years later.

When it comes to polishing someone's bling, people are more likely to complain about it being blocked if they either don't have much, or they haven't given out much. Some people have a lot of bling, many of them traded so that means they also bought a lot of bling. That means that they're a big part of what keeps this site running. So while I might not like it if someone blocks their bling from polishing, I understand it, and respect it.

The Mega Polisher doesn't create an unlimited amount of polishes, rather it increases the limit you may polish for one user at 5,000. It was nearly essential before the changes to complete the 10,000 polishes in one day achievement, but with 1000, you only need it if you want to get more points, so if that's what you really want or need, which I did when I needed 5 billion points in a day achievement to get my crown at level 63, because altruizing, 2X running bombs and points boosts weren't going to be enough. I barely made it.

The two times to run a polisher are as follows

1. If you want to get good points when the bonus is for polishing or for all powerups. The person who owns the bling you polish AND the person who gifted the bling you polish all get bonus points when you use a polisher.

2. If you want to polish a LOT of bling in a day, I advise you to first polish all you can based on your daily limit. THEN if you have the energy to continue, run a polisher to get the 10K in one day or as some of my friends and I did, polish 10K or more Limited Edition in one day.

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Night Star


Night Star
(20 credits)
Night Star resets your daily like limiter back to zero and everyone that already liked you today, prior to activation, will be able to do so again! But wait, there's more! You also receive 25X points when liked, 5X the points when liking someone else, and those liking you will receive 5X points as well! Night Stars get *AND* give 2X the likes per-vote! Lasts for 3 (THREE) hours but can only be activated between 12am and 5am pst.

This is almost idenitcal to the Rock Star, and when there is a Rock Star Bonus, the same is true for the Night Star. It also resets and doubles theincoming likes, but at 3 hours, running these with Likenados is a little different.

Level 59 no longer requires the Night Rider, but you can still earn the achievement.

You can start a Night star as late as 4:59AM Fubar (7:59AM Eastern). The one achievement that this one is used for is Night Rider, which is required at level 59. When I got Night Rider, the Likenado didn't exist, and I ran many stars to get the likes before 5AM Fubar time. It's not documented anywhere, but you can get Night Rider after that time, IF you have an active Night Star. The 2500 likes must occur in the most recent 5 hours. My experience watching people go for Night rider is, Hour Number 1, is very good, but hours 2 and 3 are not so much. It's almost better to let the first star run out completely, and start a Likenado 90 minutes in. which resets likes. There will be 30 minutes left when that runs out, so starting a second star when the first one runs out, will still have the benefits of the Likenado. You can then run another Likenado and time it so that if you are short of likes when time is running out, start a new Night Star before 4:59 AM and then be able to run a Likenado starting AFTER that time to get even one more reset. I have seen people get Night Rider more than TWO Hourse late, because people waking up on the East Coast working westward, were able to get them enough likes in the last five hours. 

Likes will "fall off" in about 10 to 15 minute increments, so the first hour after 5AM if you're short, will appear to be hopeless because you were so succesful during the first hour. By the time that hour ends, you will have fewer likes fall off, and have a better shot during the second and third hours after 5AM.

I have seen a few people not even start Night Rider until after 1AM Fubar time, and get it, because they didn't have ANY likes fall off for the first hour AFTER 5AM. The trick for counting this is to not use your like counter on your page, but go to MY Achievements, and look are your status for the Night Rider achievement. That's the one that counts.

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Double Points

Double Points
(25 credits)
Give your profile an adrenaline boost! With the Double Points activated, get 2x the points for everything you do on fubar! Lasts ONE (1) hour!
Another one that's easy to explain. Note, it mentions doubling your points for one hour, but doesn't mention if you get double fubucks. I have better things to do than ask that in the support lounge.
The primary reason to run this is to get the high points achievements, like 5 billion in a day, or 2 billion in a Happy Hour. Now that level 64 requires TWO top ten points rank in a week and level 65 requires three, you will need these to get then. There are a few people who are just plain hogging those ranks almost daily, and hoarding power ups while running up to 24 double points in day.
If you want to be sure to get the best you can on your Happy Hour, make sure you don't start the Double Point too soon. You want that to still be active when the Happy Hour ends, because you receive the bonus a few seconds after. If you run back to back happy hours, the bonus from the first Happy Hour will count as points earned during the second.
Another thing with happy hours and bonus and the Top Ten rankings. If you have the LAST happy hour of the day, you will receive the bonus during the NEXT Day. Those points will not help you with the current day if you're going for the top ten. Because Fubar turns off Happy Hours on September 11, I once ran the last Happy Hour on Sept 10, and was the only person to have a Happy Hour bonus on that day. It did get me ranked number 2 when September 12 came around. That's not 100% of the time, I did the last Happy Hour in Late January 2017 and my bonus was counted right before the hour ended, so I didn't get that bonus on the day I needed it for the new Double Trouble achievement, but I still got it because of hard work and help from very close friends.
The other thing with 2X, is to combine it with Cherry Bombing, to go for the Air Power and Red Baron achievements. I got both of those before Double Points was invented, so I have only run it a couple times during happy hours or when trading bling. Have one person Altruize the other, both start Double Points, then trade. Then on a another day, you reverse roles to help each other out.
With the new Bombing Points Achievements, a 2X is essential to run at the same time.



(25 credits)
How would you like to give your fu family a little something special? With the Famplifier activated, every time your profile is rated you receive an 11 with double points. But wait there's more! Everyone in your family will receive an 11 as well! Lasts THREE (3) hours!

CHANGE 07/27/16: 50 Credits. AND The Family Boost is gone, so everything below about it, no longer applies.

CHANGE 09/27/16: 35 Credits. People started buying these now that there is an implied discount. Still the Family Boost is still gone. I personally would love to see it come back.

Probably the one most important thing, is to not have your profile viewable to only Friends, or to require a Salute. People will just move on, but some will friend request you. 

I'll start out by saying that this bling is rarely run by itself, but it can. The biggest parts about it, is the abilty to have your profile rated again. Everyone in your family gets an automatic 11 rating, which is most useful for the level 58 requirement for being top ten HOTTEST for the day, as well as hottest guy or gal for the week, and your lifetime fubar rank.

CHANGE: January 2017 - Level 58 Top Ten Hottest is no longer required.

For the most part, you should run this with a Boomerang. Some users start both together but you get more benefits if you time it right. The Boomerang lasts FOUR hours, while the FAMP lasts THREE hours. Try to start the FAMP close to 30 minutes after your boomerang.

My Blog about Getting More Profile Rates explains this with running combinations if Boomerangs, FAMPs and Big Bangs.

Combining this with boosting your family, you can rate 55 people (65 with VIP) if you do it right. The boost can be found in MY - Abilities.

What they don't tell you, is that each boost lasts five minutes longer. SO the best thing to do is have a list of who you want to add, then five minutes before you run the Famplifier, you do the Family Boost Extreme. Open (or refresh their page) and if they are not already in your permanent family, and purple link will appear for you to add to your boost. Five minutes is plenty of time to add 15 people.

Additionally, and I'll explain this in its own blog, you can combine this with both Boomerangs and Big Bangs, and get a few undocumented extras.

When you have a boosted family, you will see the boosted people here.

And when you are in someone Famplifier, the News Feed will show many of the rates you receive through their famps.

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Cherry Bomb


Cherry Bomb
(30 credits)
Bomb a photo album! When activated, you can BOMB an album which awards you and the owner with points equal to rating 250 photos an 11 (regardless of how many photos are actually in the album), with one click for ONE (1) hour. You can Cherry Bomb one album per member and you will have unlimited 11's when using your Cherry Bomb. Bombs away!


I orignally wrote this with my leveling blog, so I'm just copying and added a few more things now.

The Cherry Inferno should always be a goal if you are running a Cherry Bomb. Originally, the requirement was 120 albums, so I was once told, but now it's 116.

Bombing is a precise action. It lasts exactly one hour, and you can bomb one album per user. If you run another bomb, you can bomb anyone again. You can bomb the first album immediately, and after 30 seconds elapses after bombing.

The achievements that come with Cherry Bombing are:

Cherry Melt: 60 album, which is one every sixty seconds. You can earn this only once.

Cherry Ignitor: 90 albums, which is 40 seconds per bomb (3600 seconds in an hour divided by 90)

Cherry Inferno: 116 albums, which doing arithmetic, leaves two minutes, or 120 seconds of "play".

NooB Bomber: Bomb albums of 50 NooBs which are people who are on Fubar less than Seven Days.

NooB Inferno: Bomb albums of 116 NooBs. This achievement is cumulative, which means if you got fewer than 116 the first time, the next time you Cherry Bomb, if you bomb NooBs, it will add up, and grant you the achievement when you reach 116 TOTAL newbies.

CHANGE: This has been fixed. You now must get all 116 using just one bomb. Challenging, but I know it can be done.

It is entirely possible that someone who has none of the above achievements, can earn all of them with a single Cherry Bomb.

Happy Hour Melt: Bomb 60 albums during a HH you are running.

Happy Hour Ignitor: Bomb 90 albums during a HH you are running. The 90 doesn't start until after the 60 is complete, so this will require a second Happy Hour and a second Cherry Bomb

Happy Hour Inferno: Bomb 116 albums during a HH you are running. Also, the 116 does not start until the 90 is complete, so this requires a third Happy Hour and a third Cherry Bomb. This achievement is required for level 64.

UPDATE: I have made my own Youtube video that will hopefully make it easier for people to get the Inferno Heart. Part one explains how to build a timer, when I do part 2, it will be LIVE when I go for Happy Hour Inferno and get Level 64.

See Preliminary Video Here

See the "Live" Video of the first few and last few minutes where I get 120, the Inferno Heart, the HH Cherry Inferno Achievement, and Level 64 Here

I cannot do screen captures of the bombing and get a Cherry Inferno, so I won't even try. There is a Youtube Video made by 941 Stud where he explains a lot of this, but it is a few years old, and there have been a few changes.

Video Part 1

Video Part 2

I just found a third video, where you can see one other way it's done, by user ObieUno. It is a VERY long video with a lot of ideas you can consider, like who to bomb. Auto 11's, Level 36 and people who bombed you. He actually runs the bomb for the entire hour and you can watch him get the Inferno Heart. He even mentions using the Mobile App, but I am so effecient running them on my computer, that's what I use.

Full Cherry Bomb Inferno Video

I start with a "Clean" boot, and don't open anything not necessary at all, so my computer has as many resources available to run as smooth as possible. Any devices connected by USB are disconnected before the reboot, such as camera or external hard drive.

One thing that is different since these videos were produced, and it can change how you approach this. He explains that "hot" albums are easier to bomb, but he doesn't show you why. After your first album bombing, when you go to the second one (as fast as you can), refresh that page/tab and one of three things will appear at the top.

1. If you have bombed the album with this cherry bomb, it will tell you to hurry and find another.

2. If the album has been bombed by someone else, it will show who that was. You can bomb the album, but without a timer, you will not know when to do so. If you click it early, it will show how many seconds remain, with a countdown toward ZERO. If you wait for the countdown, you will lose three seconds each time.

3. If the album has not been bombed, it will display a countdown like above, and again if you wait for it, you will lose three seconds each time.

My personal experience, is to have several tabs open with prospective albums to be bombed. It is up to you if you want to take care of your family, if you want to hit only NooBs, or be helpful to level 36 people. I open at least FIVE Tabs with albums ready to go, if not more. I keep the left most tab with whatever list I am using, and will open the second tab when I activate.

Upon activation, I press the F-5 Key to refresh (faster than clicking, try it), and bomb that album immediately. I press CTRL-W to close that tab, then F-5 each of the remaining tabs to start the countdown timers. Each time after bombing, I close the tab, and open another. While it's nice to like and rate each user you bomb, it's not required. You can open someone's page, rate/like, then go to their photos if you really want to, but you need to be ready after 30 seconds.

If you are on a page where profiles are displayed, you can "mouse" over the profile pic, and when a popup appears, you will see below the enlarged profile picture, how many photos they have. If you click that, you go straight to their default album, and bypass rate/liking them. You could right click then open in new tab OR you may hold the CTRL key and LEFT CLICK and it will open in a new tab. Try these keyboard shortcuts, you can get things done a lot faster using two hands.

In these videos, he explains the use of a stopwatch. When I run mine, with Windows 7, I would turn on my desktop clock gadget, with second hand, and not have to look away from my monitor to keep time. With Windows 10, there aren't any gadgets, and I could not find any apps that stayed on the desktop that would work well for this, so I created my own. I found what is used to put a clock on your page, then added the rest of the HTML code necessary for it to be a stand-alone website, and saved it on my desktop. I have one small browser window that has  a clock with a second hand, so I can run my bombs and always get 30 second intervals.

To make your own, copy the following code and open "NotePad", and paste.

<html><head></head><body><center><embed src="http://www.mastergreetings.com/generators/Custom-Clock/clock.swf" FlashVars="s=254&h=2&u=http://www.mastergreetings.com/generators/Custom-Clock/&i=1&b=0x000000" quality="high" wmode="transparent" width="340" height="340" name="Custom Clock" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="samedomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /></embed></center></body></html>

You can change the "width" and "height" to change the size but use the same number to keep it visible. Save it to your desktop. Make it something like Clock.html, and change the file type to "All Files" so it won't force .txt on the end and not work.

Save it to your Desktop. Open a new browser window, then drag and drop that into that window, and the clock with current time will appear. Resize this window and put it off to the side for when you want to run a bomb. This works with any browser you are comfortable with. Note my desktop with only the clock window open.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I'll try to explain it as best as I can.

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Auto 11's


(30 credits)
Give someone immunity from down-raters! When activated, EVERY photo and profile rating is forced to 11 for TWELVE (12) hours. All actual 11s during this time are double the points for both the giver AND receiver!
This is probably one of the easiest to use. The biggest attraction to these are when there is a Bomb Bonus day, there can be more than 100 people running them at once. Regular bombers know about the double points and will hit these first. SO the best time to run one is as soon as the Bomb Bonus starts. 
If you are going for the "Get Bombed 100 or 250 times in one day" achievemnts, this is absolutley essential. You still will have to ask all bombers, especially those who don't run many and don't know about this bonus.
This power up does not reset anything such as likes or rates.
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