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his article will explore the world of threesomes: what kinds of people participate and why, some of the different types of threesomes, and its advantages and disadvantages. Who Wants to be Part of a Threesome? People pursue threesomes for various reasons. First, the most common, are men who are looking to fulfill the fantasy of being with two women at the same time, especially if the women perform bisexual acts during the course of the threesome, otherwise known as “show time”. ? There are also women who want to experience being with two men at the same time (which is not as uncommon as you might think). Furthermore, there are those looking to experiment, usually during college years (otherwise known as the “experimental years”), or those who have recently been divorced after being married for a lot of years, particularly those who married at a very young age. They may have missed out on the experimental years when they were younger, so they look to make up for it later in life. Lastly, there are very sexual men and women who are looking for more variety and merely want and need more than the typical “one on one” sex act - at least once in a while. Why Would Someone Initiate a Threesome? A man or woman might be looking to please their partner by fulfilling his/her fantasies or bi-curious tendencies, and so agrees to a threesome with another person. Of course, there is the bisexual person who is simply looking for that occasional excitement of a threesome. For many bisexual women, having sex with a man is like having dinner … dinner is something you have every night. However, having sex with a woman is like having dessert … something you don’t necessarily have every night, but something you may treat yourself to on occasion! Swingers (who are now referred to as people who live alternative lifestyles) will often enjoy any kind of an orgy, including threesomes. So a swinger would definitely have reason to initiate a threesome. Also, a person who is looking for a lot of attention and wants to be the so-called “meat in the sandwich” is a prime candidate for initiating a threesome. Different types of threesomes The most common threesome is that of a man and two women. The second most common threesome is a woman with two men. However, there are threesomes consisting of the same sex (i.e. 3 men or 3 women). There are also the threesomes that include bisexuality, and then there are those that don’t; some just want to experience their partner in a physically intimate situation with another person. Advantages and Disadvantages of Threesomes For very sexual people, or for those who are bi-curious, a threesome can genuinely be an electrifying experience. However, for those who are agreeing to a threesome solely for the purpose of pleasing their partner (but who are not really into it), there can be repercussions. A very common example of a negative experience is of a spouse or a partner in a serious relationship, where there is LOVE involved, with the very real potential of jealousy affecting the ongoing relationship. As much as you may want to fulfill your partner’s fantasy because you love him or her, beware…….this is not an easy task when you are in love. Even for the most sexual people, love creates problems when it comes to threesomes, and even if you are bisexual and want to have a threesome for selfish reasons, it can still be very difficult for you to see your loved one participating in a sexual act with someone other than yourself. However, if you are not in love with your partner and may just be having a sexual fling with that person, then a threesome can be simply orgasmic, because you can enjoy the excitement without the jealously, and if bisexuality is involved, you can also benefit from the best of both worlds! So far I’ve been primarily focusing on the couple. Now let’s talk about the outsider, the “guest”. Being the outsider in a threesome is probably the best position to be in (no pun intended), because there is no love or emotion involved, you are there exclusively for the sex act. In most cases, the guest gets treated like a princess or a prince (as mentioned earlier, the meat in the sandwich), because the guest is the source of exhilaration and variety for the couple. Many times the guest is the couple’s fantasy come true, and that’s a pleasing feeling for the outsider. So, if you like a lot of attention, and if you like to fulfill other people’s fantasies, definitely consider being the guest in a threesome. ? The most common difficulty in being the guest in a threesome is when he or she is participating with a couple who has never had a threesome together previously; especially if you are a female guest of a couple in which the wife or girlfriend is not bisexual or bi-curious, and the husband or boyfriend tries to push a bisexual act on his partner when she’s really not into it! It really puts the female guest in a very uncomfortable situation. This can easily cause an argument between the partners. In some cases one partner will start to get jealous watching his or her partner making love with another person, which obviously results in making it a distressing situation for everyone involved. I’ve literally seen wives end up in tears and couples end up not talking or fighting. Needless to say, the guest ends up feeling responsible. Initiating the Topic with your Partner First of all, as I’ve emphasized earlier, if your partner is your spouse or someone you are truly in love with………my advice is, “Don’t even consider it!” If you are adamant about sharing this particular fantasy with your loved one, I may have a happy medium for you … keep it as a fantasy only, but share it with your partner. In other words, during sex with your partner you can initiate sex talk about threesomes. Be honest and ask your partner to participate in the sex talk as well, and ask him or her to make up stories for you too, stories consisting of the two of you with a third person. That way you’re always including your partner in your fantasy, without the repercussions that can occur from actually doing it. Your partner may even surprise you and end up being more turned on then you could have imagined. He or she may even have a few fantasies of his or her own to share with you, via sex talk. I sincerely suggest that you take my advice on this matter, as I’ve seen threesomes backfire way too many times with married couples or couples in a serious relationship! Trust me, you don’t want to learn the hard way, it can end your marriage or a wonderful relationship, and a threesome is simply not worth that. So, consider keeping your threesomes just between the two of you! Now, on the flip side, for couples who are not married or necessarily in love, or who are absolutely sure that pursuing a threesome will not jeopardize their relationship … you can initiate a conversation with your partner suggesting such. First of all, honesty about your desires is the best policy, but keep in mind that this is a very delicate topic and must be treated as such … with great discretion. You must first use common sense. I don’t know your partner, but you do! Is he or she the type who might participate in such? Is he or she a very sexual person? Is he or she one who has been known to experiment sexually? Has he or she ever talked about fantasies with you? Has he or she ever expressed being bi-curious? All of these questions are essential in determining whether or not your partner should be asked to participate in a threesome. As a hypothetic example: Suppose your partner is a woman who teaches elementary school, who was a virgin until she was 25 years old, and you are only the second man she’s ever had sex with in her entire life; with someone like her, I suggest that you forget the idea of a threesome, limit it to sex talk. Unless, she’s the total opposite in bed, which is rare, but it does occur on occasion. So, if you have a real wild card on your hands in bed, then that’s a horse of a different color. Otherwise, don’t pursue a threesome with her, unless you’re prepared for the possibility of the relationship ending, or at least starting a huge fight. Now, once you’ve truly found a potential partner to approach, suggest a threesome while you’re already engaging in sex. The chance of hearing the answer you want to hear is much more likely to happen if you ask him or her while he or she is already hot!!! There’s no right or wrong way to suggest a threesome. It truly depends on the people involved and the relationship you have. My only advice is that if and when you do propose it to your partner, make it perfectly clear that your desire for the threesome is not in any way, shape, size, or form, a result of your partner being inadequate! So, please be careful and make sure that you emphasize that it’s just a sexual fantasy, and that it wouldn’t be same without him or her. Fortunately, most women are well aware that the overwhelming majority of men would give their right arm to be with two women at the same time. ? However, men, on the other hand, tend to find it difficult to understand why a woman would want a threesome with another man. Women, you have to be especially cautious, because men can be so much more insecure than they admit they are. So, when you do suggest it to your man, you might want to tell him that you are simply an extremely sexual woman (which alone will turn him on) and that you have many sexual fantasies (which will excite him even more), but you have no desire to fulfill any of them without him. That will boost his ego, which will hopefully help him see your suggestion of a threesome from a different prospective, a non-threatening one. Selecting a Third Party There are pros and cons in choosing a friend or a stranger. On one hand, you would probably feel more comfortable with someone you know - but on the other hand, you’re taking the chance of possibly ruining that friendship if complications or jealousy arise. Even if the threesome turns out to be successful, it may still make all parties involved feel uncomfortable in the future if it was with a good friend. (Note: I would advise, whether you invite a friend or a stranger to join you, that you’ll still take the same safety precautions.) So, I do not recommend a threesome with a friend! An acquaintance, however, is a different story. There are some very attractive, clean, well-educated, successful people out there who happen to be very sexual. Just because they are not already a friend of yours doesn’t mean that they are not worthy of being your third person in a threesome. As far as having a threesome more than once with the same person is concerned, again I would have to say it really depends on the people. It depends if the couple is secure enough, if the third party is non-threatening in any way, and whether or not this is something the couple initially wanted to do it as a one-time experience or if this is something the couple planned to do on a somewhat regular basis. These are topics that simply cannot be generalized, because every situation is different. I’ve had my share of one-time affairs as the guest that worked out great. Yet, I’ve also known various couples throughout the years that I would spend time with regularly, and that worked too. So, you really have to see where the first experience takes you, and all three parties obviously must want the same thing. If the experience was great and there was no jealousy involved, especially if the guest is not a good friend, I would definitely go for it again! So, it truly depends on the circumstances. Where to Find a Third? A swing club is a great source to find others who are looking to experiment and fulfill fantasies; they are still out there (although perhaps not as many as there were years ago). To find swing clubs, simply go to any search engine and type the words, “swing club”, once you bypass some of the swing dancing sites, you’ll see many sites that actually refer to sex clubs. Another option is the Personals on the Internet; they too are a great means for finding someone for a threesome. The Internet Personals are not only designed for couples looking for love, they are usually broken down into categories, so you can search for what you are specifically looking for. You can also exchange various photos online first, and you can chat via email or telephone until you feel comfortable enough to meet. Do NOT go to a regular bar or night club and try to pick up someone who you think might be a likely candidate. That’s a really good way to very possibly embarrass yourself, not to mention, get slapped! ? What's a good place for a threesome? This is probably the easiest question to answer, and that is … wherever is most convenient for all parties involved. It seems to be more common for the couple to entertain the third person in their home. However, it certainly wouldn’t be the first time that a couple would travel to the third person’s home to be entertained, especially when the couple have children. I guess you can meet at a hotel, but from my many experiences, that’s not too common. Unless, of course, you’re at a swing club, which is the exception to the rule. Now, that can be a really exciting venue for a threesome, or a foursome, or fivesome, etc…. ? Conclusion Try not to participate in a threesome with someone you are in love with, or if you know that either of you become jealous easily. Instead, explore some new exciting things that just the two of you can do together in the bedroom, including sex talk about threesomes. For those of you who are not in love and/or who are planning a threesome for the right reasons, but it’s your first time and have absolutely no clue as to what to do…….believe me, most of it will come naturally! Most times, it’s not planned, it just happens. One option of a threesome is to make one person the star, and let that person lay back while the other two devour him or her, making the person who is receiving at the time feel like a real prince or a princess! A great idea for a birthday present too! ? However, it’s nice to take turns receiving and giving, so that everyone gets a turn to be a prince or a princess. A crucial rule is to make sure that no one gets left out!!! Too often a spouse gives more attention to the guest than his or her partner … no, no, no. Trust me; always make sure your partner gets just as much attention as the guest does! Not doing so can literally end a marriage. An easy solution is to take turns in giving and receiving, as mentioned earlier, and be aware of how much time you spend on the guest, because when it’s your partner’s turn to be the prince or princess you want to make sure that he or she receives the same amount of time, maybe even a little more. The beauty of a threesome, especially when bi-sexuality is a part of it, is that each participant can almost always be giving and receiving at all times. It’s an incredibly hot experience that I believe everyone should consider trying … at least once in their life!

Female Masturbation

Masturbation gives women the opportunity to explore their body while at the same time giving them a high degree of sexual freedom. It allows women the opportunity to experience sexual pleasure without relying on a partner, and to release sexual tension when they feel the need to. Masturbation can be very empowering teaching tool for women, it teaches them about their bodies, and how it responds to sexual stimulation. Many normal and healthy women only experience orgasm while masturbating, or it is their most intense type of orgasm. Masturbation is the first and most important sexual skill a woman should learn, as it holds the key to enjoying other forms of sexual activity. Ideally, this skill is learned prior to the age of five, but far too often it is not learned until a women is in her late teens or early twenties. This stems from the incorrect notion that children are entirely devoid of sexuality and they are to be protected from the 'evils' of sexuality. Children, especially infants, are incredibly curious individuals who will undoubtedly discover masturbation on their own. A parent, if they catch their child masturbating, should not chastise their child for it, but rather, tell them about private and public actions. In spite of the sexual revolution, female masturbation is still somewhat taboo. Even though popular songs, movies, and television shows make mention of female masturbation, or the use of vibrators or dildos, it is not a common topic of discussion. Men and women are more likely to make mention of boys and men masturbating than girls and women. It is given that men and boys masturbate, but for girls and women, even though it is commonly accepted that it is okay for them to do it, they are not expected to. If a woman does not know that her peers masturbate and that they presume that she does, she is less likely to do it, or if she does, she feels guilty for doing it. Even if it is acceptable to do something, people are less likely to do it if they do not know that their peers do it. Since women do not generally talk about it, it is presumed that they do not masturbate. A common misconception of women is that because they have a partner, they do not feel they should have to; or if they are single, masturbating would substantiate their single status. If they were not single, they would not have to masturbate. So instead of masturbating, they go in search of a partner. Which is not the solution and typically results in unfulfilled desires. Since masturbation is seen as a "solo" activity, some women with partners do not feel it is appropriate for them to masturbate. If you have a partner, it is believed that your sexual activities with them should fulfill all your sexual needs. While a nice ideal, in real life, a lot of women's sexual needs are not met fully by their partner, no matter how good and loving a partner they have. For women with partners, it is important that they understand that it is perfectly healthy and normal for them to masturbate, and they should do so without feeling guilty. For many, if not most women, the frequency at which they masturbate should not change when they go from being single to having a sexual partner. Some women find they masturbate more when they have a partner, as having a partner makes them feel more sexual, and increases their desire for sex and sexual pleasure. There are times in all relationships when your partner is not available for sex when you desire it, even when they sleep beside you. Couples frequently have different levels of sex drive, and expectations regarding physical intimacy. This is why women frequently masturbate secretively in the shower, or masturbate silently in the early morning hours while their sleeping partner lies beside them. Masturbating when you have a partner is normal and a woman should not feel ashamed for doing so, most women have probably done it at some point in their relationship. It is often a necessity. Forgoing masturbation and sexual pleasure because you have a partner does harm to you and your relationship because you will slowly begin to blame them for your sexual frustration. As your sexual frustration grows, so does your frustration with the relationship. While it is extremely untrue, the majority of people believe that women are less sexual than men. We are led to believe that women think about sex and desire sex much less. Society creates outcasts of women who are openly sexual. This results in women believing they should not have strong sexual feelings and desires. Unfortunately, many women are ashamed to admit they become horny. This results in women introverting and denying their own sexual feelings and desires. While a woman's desire for sex may change with time as the result of hormonal influences, they are just as sexual as men. If a woman accepts that she is equally as sexual as a man, she is more likely to feel comfortable with her desire to masturbate. The main reason a woman should masturbate is because it feels good. Women with strong sex drives may masturbate frequently, but they do so because it feels good, not because they are driven to. If it did not feel good, it is not likely that they would, no matter how aroused they were. A woman should not forgo masturbating just because she does not have a strong sex drive. Even if you have no desire for partner sex, you should still enjoy giving yourself pleasure. The fact that preadolescent girls masturbate proves that hormonally induced sex drives are not the only reason to masturbate. Young girls do it for no other reason than it feels good. Since it does feel good, there is no reason to expect women not to. There is nothing wrong with a woman giving herself pleasure on a daily basis, or less often if she so desires. For masturbation to be pleasurable, it does not have to end in orgasm. Masturbation may involve nothing more than placing your hands against your vulva when you go to sleep at night, because it feels good. I do not want people to get the impression based on the above statements that all women have negative views of masturbation, or that all women need to masturbate. Women are increasingly developing very positive attitudes towards masturbation and the pleasure it can bring them. If given the opportunity, women will often discuss their masturbation habits with pride, without the least amount of guilt. Basic Masturbation Techniques Women and girls masturbate in an endless list of ways. Common methods are, massaging of the clitoris with hands and fingers, rubbing the vulva up against pillows, bed cloths, stuffed animals, and furniture, etc. The vagina appears to play a limited role in the masturbation practices of women, but vaginal penetration during masturbation is by no means unusual or uncommon. Some women employ anal and/or nipple stimulation in addition to clitoral and vaginal stimulation. It is important to understand that there is no "correct" or "right" way to masturbate. Some women feel they should be able to masturbate to orgasm using a different or more correct method because they hear other women do it that way. It is important to keep in mind that each woman's anatomy is slightly different and her psychological makeup is quite different. This results in every woman masturbating differently, even if they use the same basic technique. While some women can masturbate to orgasm employing several different techniques, others find they can reach orgasm only when they use the same method each time. There is nothing wrong with this. Due to conditioning and the differences in women's bodies, learning new techniques for some can be difficult or even impossible. If you are orgasmic with your current masturbation technique, feel free to experiment, but do not feel you have to reach orgasm in other ways. Remember, masturbation is supposed to be fun and enjoyable, no matter how you do it. The Beginner When you have relaxed your body, lie on a bed, or sit in a comfortable chair, and explore your nude or semi-nude body. Run your fingers and hands across your body. Explore your breasts and play with your nipples. Caress your legs and thighs. Cup your vulva in your hand and gently rub in small circles. Stimulate your body, but do not try to reach orgasm. Make yourself feel good. If you feel yourself get tense, stop what you are doing, breath deeply, and relax. Do this exercise as often as possible, but for no longer than 20 minutes per session. Do not tire or stress yourself out. The point of this exercise is to make you feel good while staying relaxed, not to have an orgasm. You want to feel a little aroused, but at peace, not compelled to go further. After you become comfortable exploring and touching your body you will want to try more direct means of stimulating your vulva. Slip your fingers between the folds of your vulva and massage and play with your inner labia, perhaps pulling on them lightly or firmly. Slip your fingers up to the top of your vulva and place them on top of your clitoris. Gently move your fingers up and down, around, and perhaps even wildly jiggle them. Make the loose tissue covering your clitoris slide across the body and glans of your clitoris. If you feel a need to be filled, insert a finger or two into your vagina. You want to make yourself feel really good, but you do not want to intentionally try to have an orgasm. If an orgasm occurs, you want it to be a total surprise. If you are thinking about having an orgasm, you need to slow down, relax, and redirect your thoughts. You do not want your brain to know you are about to have an orgasm. You probably will not experience orgasm the very first or first few times so do not try to. Just enjoy the pleasures of touching yourself. If you get to a point where you suddenly find your body is super tense, you are trying too hard. Try to enjoy yourself, not orgasm. You want to surprise yourself with an orgasm. If you feel yourself on the verge of orgasm, but cannot, you are probably trying too hard; you cannot force your body to have an orgasm. The more you concentrate on trying to have an orgasm, the less likely you are to have one. Clitoral Stimulation Using your hands and fingers, stimulate (rub, stroke, pinch, etc) the clitoris with one or more fingers or the palm of your hand. Some find direct contact with the clitoris too intense, and prefer stimulation near or around the clitoris. Others prefer to have a layer of clothing or some other fabric between the hand and clit. Try it both ways and see what works best for you. G-Spot Stimulation Inserting a vibrator or dildo into the vagina can help locate and stimulate your G-Spot and offers a feeling of fullness in the vagina. You can locate your G-spot with your fingers, but it's difficult to provide adequate stimulation through manual masturbation. Women who enjoy stimulation of the G-spot usually employ sexual toys to make it easier and more enjoyable. Vibrators Vibrators are used primarily for clitoral stimulation, though many women also use them for vaginal or anal stimulation. They also may be combined with other toys and used in any number of positions. A good, discrete alternative to a vibrator for clitoral or anal stimulation is a massage wand. However, massage wands cannot be used for vaginal or anal penetration. To check out a wide selection of sex toys, please check our sex toy store, Best Sex Toy Review. Common, Everyday Objects Rub your clitoris against any soft, non-abrasive object (e.g., a pillow, the corner of a couch, etc.) and see if you enjoy the stimulation it provides. Showers A detachable showerhead can be quite scintillating for just about any woman. The best shower available is the ones with the versatile control that switches the water from a steady stream to a pulsating jet spray. In hot tubs, avoid sending strong streams of water into the vagina; this can cause fatal air embolism. Anal Stimulation The anus is quite sensitive to touch and many women enjoy stimulation of this area during masturbation or partner sex play. You can experiment on this highly erogenous area with your fingers or anal toys such as anal beads and anal dildos (better known as butt plugs). Conclusion In closing, there is no right way to masturbate and there is no specific number of times you should do it per week. As long as you feel comfortable with the frequency at which you masturbate and the pleasure it provides you, then keep on doing it. Masturbation is normal and should be pleasurable, so find out what you like the best and then show your partner, when you find one, how they can please you properly. PERSONALLY- I USE MANY THINGS AN IF ANYONE HAS QUESTIONS FEEL FREE TO TALK TO ME OR EVEN A CLASE FRIEND WHOM YOU TRUST. I AM RATHER OPEN ABOUT MY SEXUALITY AN DO NOT EMBARACE AS EASILY. BUT IF YOU FIND MORE COMFORT IN A FRIEND THEN A STRANGER. SO BE IT. I WISH YOU ALL WELL WITH THIS INFO.
The age-old question, "Am I well hung?" Well, before going on to see where you stand, or should we say hang, remember that size isn’t everything. Most women prefer a man with a less then average penis and great at cunnilingus, to a man with a larger penis and no skills. Furthermore, you should never worry about your size; it will only lead to anxieties and potentially a variety of sexual dysfunctions. If you are racing forward to find out what the average penis size is to see if you are ok, stop. Read the first paragraph again. The purpose of this article is not so that men can come and see if they are “big enough”, it‘s purpose is to satisfy curiosity, and to reiterate to all the self conscious males out there that size is not everything. One of the reasons that men are so self-conscious about this has to do with illusions. When men are in the locker room, they can’t help but glance around the room to see how they measure up. Unfortunately, there is a very different angle looking down than across the room, so men become paranoid that they are too small. Also, a man’s limp size has very little indication to his erect size. Furthermore, most men start getting paranoid about it before they have finished growing. That being said (hopefully not ignored) penis size consists of two components, length and circumference. Although most studies in this area vary slightly in the findings, the average erect penis length is 5.5 to 6.5 inches, and the average circumference is 4.5 to 5 inches. Penis Length Your erection length is defined as the linear distance along the dorsal (top) side of the erect penis, from the mons veneris to the tip of the glans. In non-medical jargon, your penis is measured in a straight, or for some arced, line on the topside of the erect penis, from where your belly meets the shaft to the tip of your penis. Take multiple measurements over the course of a few days and then average the values. Since your erections can vary slightly depending on your level of arousal, mood, room temperature, and even the duration since your last sexual encounter, averaging out a few measurements will let you get a more accurate read. Penis Circumference Penis circumference is defined as the linear distance around the widest part of the erect penis. Whether you use a piece of string or a fabric ruler, you should wrap it around the widest part of your penis, one time. If using string, make sure it is not stretchy, and mark the string at the correct spot and then measure the portion with a ruler. As with penis length, this should be done over a few days and the result averaged out. Does Size Matter? The famous question, "Is it the size of the ship, or the motion of the ocean?"... Both are correct, so yes, size does matter. Anyone who tells you differently is not being completely truthful. As covered in other sections, the majority of a woman's nerve endings are in the first couple inches of her vagina, so exactly how much size matters is a controversial topic. Most women agree that an average size penis, along with an understanding of her genital regions will get the job done. In fact, they would prefer that to a large penis as it could come along with a lot of pain for the first few times together for them. For those dreaming for an 8+ inch penis, just remember that it doesn’t always come in as handy as you think. Having a large penis decreases your chances of your partner being willing to have anal intercourse, as well as deep-throating. To make a long story short, although its nice to know how you measure up, what you have is what you have. There is much research going on in this area, as there is huge demand for increasing penis size, but don’t count on a guaranteed solution coming out any time soon. Learn to use your penis properly, and more importantly, learn how to please her without it. Skin is the body’s largest organ and it is filled with nerve endings. There are so many ways to pleasure your partner, from massages to cunnilingus, so learn how to be a complete lover, as you will always win over one that tries to rely on his size alone. Penis Myths Many myths have arisen over the years, none more famous then that of the "black penis". For the most part, there is little truth behind the rumors. Most studies indicate that averages among races are almost identical, however there is some evidence as to where the rumors originated. In the case of the “back penis” myth, a couple of studies have shown that on average black men are larger when limp, and when looking at extremely large “units”, black men make up a larger percentage of this group than other races. Increasing Your Size For the most part, your size is your size, but there are a lot of companies selling exercises and products that claim to give huge results. In most of these cases, results are heavily over exaggerated to hit the greed gland. Who to Trust? If you type in “natural penis enlargement” in a search engine, you will most likely receive more results than typing “world peace”. Thousands of sites, all claiming the same thing ... fast and huge results. The question is how to sift through it all? First off, any site with slogans like “Get Hung Like a Horse in 30 days” should be ignored; they are running on hype and your insecurities. Outside of that, you need to use your judgment, try to find a site that is run by a doctor, not overly expensive, and most importantly, a full refund policy. Penis Pills While you are shopping for pills, how about buying some magic beans? Unless you have circulation problems, penis enlargement pills won't help you do anything but spend your money. The only reasons these companies are around are because guys will buys them, and because most guys don't ask for their money back. Vacuum Pumps These pumps consist of a pump attached to a chamber that is placed over top of the penis. The general idea behind the product is that when you pump the air out of the chamber, the suction will cause the penis to fill with blood. Used carefully, the suction should stretch out the penis, allowing it to take in more blood, making it bigger. It is quite elegant in theory, but, like most penis enlargement techniques, its not guaranteed. A couple of words of caution though; many men get these products expecting a miracle cure overnight, when they don’t see an instant increase of a couple of inches, they tend to get trigger happy and pump way harder then they should. This can be very dangerous and can lead to broken blood vessels and other problems. If you choose this variety of product, use good judgment by using the product the way it is intended, (i.e. follow the instructions!). To see a selection of pumps, click here. Surgery There are several techniques that surgeons are currently performing, but for the most part they are very expensive, not guaranteed, and there is risk of becoming impotent. Since we are not doctors, we suggest speaking to a qualified MD in order to find out more about your options. Exercises Commonly known as jelq excercies, these can actually help you develop a little extra size, only thing sites offering these techniques don't mention, is that it will be years of effort before you see substantial results. PLEASE USE CAUTION IN ALL YOU DO HERE. PLEASE CONSULT A DR BEFORE MAKEN AN LONG TERM DECISION ON YOUR ISSUES. I WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONCIBLE FOR A DECISION YOU MAKE AND ARE NOT HAPPY WITH. THANK YOU.
Looking for ways to improve your performance between the sheets? Wanting to make sex last longer and be more enjoyable? Do you want to control your sex-life, rather than have it control you? Look no further … Here we have gathered together tips, exercises and products that will help you achieve and maintain the kind of sex-life you are striving for. Locations for Sex You're with your significant other, in bed, and doing what you usually do in bed when you're not sleeping. But, there's something wrong. You thrust (yawn). You grab (sigh). You lick (boooooring!) What's going on? Is the same old sex in the same old bed putting you into a coma? There IS a solution! You don’t have to suffer dull intimate relations. One of the easiest ways to spice up the physical side of your romance is to switch locations. Sex, like a novel, consists of characters, plot, and location. If you're not switching partners, or improving your technique, you're left with changing the locale. But don't be intimidated! You can start slow. There are an infinite number of positions one can try in any given location. It's up to each couple to decide what's best for themselves. Each couple is like a snowflake, no two are physically the same. Those first baby steps The first step is easiest. Next time you're caught in another boring lovemaking session, push your partner onto the floor when they least expect it. The surprise alone might keep your relationship cemented for a few months. Now, before the love of your life is able to protest, pounce! You see how easy that was? Now we're making love on the floor. (If you're too excited to continue reading, take a breather and come back later. It only gets more intense from here on out.) We should step back a bit. If your bedroom has wall to wall carpeting, you should be extra cautious of rug-burn. One way to avoid the dreaded sex-crazed rug-rub is to take precautions. The problem, if you're not aware, is that during especially intense lovemaking sessions it's possible to rub yourself raw against a rough environment. The danger is much reduced if love is made in the bed, but when love is practiced in the wild, skin can disappear quickly. If your bedroom floor is bare wood, you must be careful of impact injuries. A single mistimed thrust could turn your sex from exciting to painful. Some practitioners of intense, extra-bed sex prefer to remain relatively clothed in order to protect delicate flesh. And, most importantly, if you want to become an expert practitioner of extra-bed sex, you will need to learn how to complete the act fully clothed. For the advanced locations, nudity becomes almost impossible. But if you're still on the floor of your bedroom and you haven't decided to return to the safety of your bed, and you haven't scraped substantial quantities of skin off your body, and you haven't stubbed a pendulous organ, then you're ready for step two. The easiest room to migrate to after the bedroom is the living room. This is because lovemaking on a couch is similar to lovemaking on a bed. You can perform many of the same positions. For especially inept beginners, moving from the bed to the couch is not too challenging. Before moving on from the couch, it would serve you and your lover well to learn how to make love while one of you is sitting up. Advanced locations will necessitate such intricate positions. If you have an easy chair, that is a natural progression. Your horizontal freedom will be limited thus pushing your unorthodox locational-sex-skills to new heights. The next step is the kitchen. Some would go straight for the bathroom at this stage, but that is a mistake. Although it looks like a logical progression, sex in the shower is tougher than most realize. In fact, that is best saved as the final location before leaving your home. Think of it as graduation. First, you must learn to make love against the refrigerator, the oven, and the sink. The sink is, of course, most difficult in this room of unusual sexual positions. There are many sink-sex positions to choose from. What you employ depends upon the dimensions of the sink and the couple. Obviously, there are things one can and can't do. Make sure not to slip or bang against the faucet. Accidents can happen. Once the kitchen sink is mastered, it's a simple matter of moving to the bathroom sink. Oftentimes the bathroom sink is much lower in comparison. The height difference will allow for different positions. Sometimes it's fun to turn on the sink and get a little wet (see Fatal Attraction). Next, some couples move to making love on top of the toilet. For some, however, a lack of housekeeping skills will make the toilet an extremely unattractive arena for lovemaking. I suggest it be skipped in such circumstances. If you are intent on making love on the toilet, the sitting positions first learned in the living room may come in handy. If you are extremely ambitious, one partner might actually be able to use the toilet for its intended purpose during the intimate act. There is a high-level of difficulty for this maneuver. Once inside the shower you will feel a sense of accomplishment. You will have almost learned every skill you'll need to tackle sexual situations in the wider world. But don't neglect the final step. Due to the level of difficulty, most couples will only fondle, soap, and wash each other in the shower. Sex in the shower involves standing and a wet floor. Be very careful. Some couples will retire to the shower floor in order to complete their training. In a smaller shower, leaning against walls can facilitate penetrations of all sorts. Just don't slip! If you've mastered the fine art of intercourse in every room of the house, in every position, and on every appliance, you are ready to move on. You may want to have a little graduation ceremony. Or not. Step two, the great outdoors The most popular place to make love in the great outdoors has always been the car. Many of you may have already perfected automotive intercourse while still in high school. For those of us who were unfortunate victims of chess club and marching band, these skills will have to be acquired. First know that many of the skills from the couch transfer to the car. There are many similarities. Most prefer the backseat to the front. If there's an extraordinary amount of room in your car — allowing both of you to lie down as if in a bed — you're cheating. Sex in a car is supposed to be cramped and difficult. Some high school kids try and fail—fail—to complete intercourse at all! And if you know how earnest the typical high-schooler is when it comes to sex, you know how difficult this locale can be. Choice of car is obviously important. Depending on the relative sizes of you and your partner, some vehicles may be too small. The idea is to find a car just big enough, but not too big. SUVs are cheating! Parking the car is actually the most difficult initial hurdle. You want to find a spot that's private, but not too private. One of the reasons car sex is so exciting is that you're in public and someone might see. You could drive out into the middle of nowhere with only the trees as witness, but then what's the fun? No, much better to find a spot like a turnout, or a park, where cars are going by. At night (warning, day sex in the car is for top-level black belts only!) no one can really see what's going on while driving by. Be warned, however, watch for police! Exposing yourself in public is illegal almost everywhere. Again, remember lessons about preventing sex-crazed rug-rub: keeping the clothes on is a good idea. The car is also a good learning tool. You can drive around town looking for secluded spots. You might even become bold enough to get out of the car and do the nasty in a park, in the woods, or maybe even in a cemetery. Cemeteries aren't for everyone, but they can be exciting. There's nothing like hiding behind some tombstones and making love on a burial plot. For extra credit, try during daytime. For the exhibitionist, try sex in the car at a car wash. When you come out, don't be surprised if the towel guys are applauding. One important thing you need to learn from car sex is how to quit and pack up if any people come near. It's an important skill you'll need to move on to advanced locations. Step three: Advanced Locations If you've just about worn out your backseat, and your car is starting to get a little funky, you might be ready to try some more advanced locations. These locations aren't for everyone. For some, the excitement will be too much, possibly leading to heart attack (please check with your doctor before making love in these on any other locations). But, if you're up to it, and you feel the need for even more excitement, get ready for the Advanced Locations. The next place to move after your backseat is most likely the public restroom. Some might be a little squeamish, but you don't have to find the filthiest john in town. How about this: You and your partner go to a fancy restaurant and, halfway through dinner, have a quickie in the old can. Nice eateries will usually have clean, nice-smelling toilets. Most couples prefer standing up, but with enough knowledge in the sexual arts, some sex can be had on the commode itself. But such positions are not for novices. If you're both in the bathroom, the restaurant is likely to think you jumped out on your bill. It might be better, if you're intent on kinky toilet-sex, to duck into a big hotel while out. Most hotels have beautiful accommodations in their lobby restrooms. Just don't get caught! It's generally safer for women to enter men's rooms. You should secure your stall when the restroom is empty, but once in the act, an occupied next-door stall is half the fun. Whether you want your neighbor to catch on or not is up to you. Some other places you might find around town are museums and libraries. These places can be fairly desolate, especially if you live in a place where everyone's at the shooting range on a Sunday. Sunday? Try your local church! This location is always a favorite with the local clergy. Some churches have cemeteries too! The beach provides many opportunities for naughty outdoor sex. Many couples know well the joy of making love under a blanket, in full view of hundreds of people. A little odd, especially if children are present, but very exciting. And hey, no one knows what's really going on under there, right? For a little more privacy, try wading into the ocean. The deeper you go, the more concealed your naughty behavior. Make sure not to lose you swimwear! Rooftops can be fun: a view of the city and hardly anyone around. Just don't get too close to the edge! If you have a balcony, that's a good place to practice before moving to the advanced location. If you really want to try something dirty, make love in an alley. To study up, see 9 1/2 Weeks. People pretty much expect to discover a couple having sex when they enter an alley. It's no big deal. But, you still don't want too many people around. Chances of getting caught are high in an alley. Make sure you're an expert at packing up quickly before trying this extreme location. Nightclubs expect people to try something. So they're watching you. If you've mastered bathroom sex, you could try it here. Nightclub bathrooms are usually filled with people, but depending on the crowd, people might not care that you're having a little fun in front of them. A club is also an excellent place to make out in front of other people if you're a bit of an exhibitionist. If you pick the right kind of club, you might actually be able to complete the act without anyone much caring. But this is, of course, for experts only. Some couples will make love in a hot tub while not alone—even though they're not swingers! Again, another class-move for exhibitionists. You have to be comfortable with your tub mates, but it can be fun. Some would rather go it alone. And, like the beach, no one knows what's really going on under the bubbles. If you somehow have access to a sauna, that can be a wonderful location. You have to be alone (unless you're a professional exhibitionist). Many a teenager has tried movie-theater sex. It seems easy on the surface, but you have to be fairly alone. It's not easy finding a movie no one wants to see. When you go to the theater, you could ask the cashier what the least popular flick is before buying your ticket. A difficult location is the elevator. It's practically impossible unless the place is deserted or you press the emergency stop button. But, a diligent couple can get some good fondling in. Don't forget to have sex on some stranger's bed at a house party. There's nothing like the feeling of desecrating some anonymous person's sheets. But why the bed? By now you should be at a higher level and could try something as difficult as a closet. Or the bathroom (make sure there's not a line out the door). Some Final Words... You should have no trouble in these locations if you've trained well. Remember, always be prepared to put things away and vacate the location on a moment's notice. It's good to have a Plan B. It's also good to travel light. Underwear can slow you down. Like in the most competitive sporting competitions, fractions of seconds count. The second it takes you to finesse you way out of your underwear may have been the extra second you could have spent with your hands in your partner's parts before that old lady walked by. Sometimes, especially in a vulnerable place, you'll be too scared of getting caught to enjoy yourself fully. Learn to embrace that fear —that's what makes public sex fun. Then again, maybe public sex isn't for you. You could play it safe in locations that have a lock on the door, like bathrooms and cars. Or maybe the floor is enough excitement for you. For most, moving into the shower will probably be as kinky as things get — so don't be intimidated. You're not trying to please anyone but your partner and your inner rock star. If you've done nasty things in all these locations and you're still bored, maybe you need to start jumping over cars on a motorcycle. Try using a flaming ring and wearing a cape. And then try making love on the motorcycle at the same time. I do hope this break some of your fears about sexual explorations. Relax. Enjoy yourself. Take your time. There is no rush. Enjoy the moment. And above all else. Enjoy each other an the moment above all else.
Looking for ways to improve your performance between the sheets? Wanting to make sex last longer and be more enjoyable? Do you want to control your sex-life, rather than have it control you? Look no further … Here we have gathered together tips, exercises and products that will help you achieve and maintain the kind of sex-life you are striving for. Lasting Longer One common goal amongst virtually all guys is to last longer during sexual intercourse. Unfortunately, most men can’t last as long as they would like and feel inadequate because of it. The first thing that needs to be understood is that the state of mind a person is in has a huge effect on their sexual performance. Getting all uptight and worried is going to do you no good; neither is having a partner that gets really angry about it. Both parties need to work together to improve the situation, and the most important thing is to stay positive. The first principle behind the techniques and suggestions listed below is the man’s ability to know his own body. By understanding how his body works and how his excitement rises, he should be able to learn how to pace himself better. It is key to know when to slow down to allow your excitement to drop enough so that you can “re-group” and then pick up the pace again. The second principle has to do with decreasing the sensitivity of the penis. By decreasing the sensitivity, it will take more stimulation to achieve the excitement necessary for climax. The following techniques and suggestions should help boost his sexual stamina, but they are not miracle cures, it will take patience and the right attitude to make things better. Start & Stop Technique The primary principle of this technique is to stimulate the penis until near ejaculation, and then stop stimulating to allow the level of excitement to drop. This exercise can be performed alone, or with a partner, and should be repeated 3 to 5 times per session. After 2-6 weeks of using this technique you should notice an improvement in your sexual stamina and will eventually not even have to use it to outlast your partner. Squeeze Technique Right before you feel you are about to ejaculate, approximately three or four strokes away, stop stimulating and squeeze the base of your penis by wrapping your thumb and index finger around it. Apply firm pressure, focusing on the urethra, the tube running along the underside of the penis. This lessens the tension and holds back the ejaculatory response. Be sure to apply pressure a few strokes before ejaculating … if you wait too long, it may be too late! You should be able to apply this technique anywhere along the shaft of the penis, as long as it squeezes the urethra. Regular Masturbation A great method for boosting sexual stamina and releasing sexual tension is regular masturbation. By masturbating more often, you can train yourself to become more used to the stimulation. As you get more and more used to it, it should start taking you progressively longer to climax. Wearing Condoms Many couples have claimed that wearing condoms significantly reduces the stimulation of intercourse for both partners, but especially the male. If you are not already using condoms to protect against STD's and pregnancy, try wearing them to increase your stamina. If necessary, consider wearing a thicker condom, it should make a large difference in the amount of stimulation that you feel. Sex Toys Following the same line of logic as in “Regular Masturbation” above, you can use sex toys to help you become more “immune” to the pleasure. Sex simulators are recommended over regular vibrators, but both should work. The Robo Suck 2 is a great toy that can bring the best of men to their knees; it sucks, strokes, and vibrates all at once. If the $65 (USD) price tag is a little too much, have a look at our toy store to find a product that fits your budget better. If any of you have had a strugglen issue with this kind of problem. I suggest you try these. Some time it is much better then taken a pill to correct osomething that can be fixed with just a little hands on work for yourself. WARNING: IN THE EVENT THAT THESE DO NOT WORK FOR YOU. PLEASE DO NOT GO MACHO ON EVERYONE BUT LET YOUR PRIDE DOWN FOR A MOMENT AN SEE A DR. AS ONLY A DR CAN HELP IN DIRE SITUATIONS.
Looking for ways to improve your performance between the sheets? Wanting to make sex last longer and be more enjoyable? Do you want to control your sex-life, rather than have it control you? Look no further … Here we have gathered together tips, exercises and products that will help you achieve and maintain the kind of sex-life you are striving for. Kegel Exercises Named after their developer, Dr. Kegel, kegel (KAY-gill) exercises can be used to tone up and strengthen the pubococcygeus muscle (PC muscle). Both genders have this muscle and it supports the following organs in women: urethra, bladder, uterus, vagina, rectum; and in men: urethra, bladder, penis, and rectum. Since the PC muscle is involved in orgasm and ejaculation, these exercises, done on a regular basis, can help correct impotence and urinary problems. Anyone can learn, use, and do Kegel exercise, and the results are always beneficial with enough time and effort. Always remember to try to have fun while you perform these exercises. Adjust them to your time schedule; learn what you like and, if you can, involve your partner. For the quickest and best results, you should exercise everyday, faithfully. The muscles won't increase in strength overnight, but if you stick to your routine, you should start noticing changes after about three weeks. Finding the PC Muscle: The PC muscle is the one you flex when you have to pee and are trying not to. Next time you are urinating, try to stop in mid-flow without using your fingers. Please note that Kegel exercises are normally not done while urinating. Exercising the PC Muscle: Where to Exercise: Kegel exercises can be done anywhere at anytime as long as you are stationary. Since you never break a sweat or get tired from doing them, you can even do them during a business meeting. Try to find a time and place that is convenient for you, as it will be easier to stay committed if they are a part of your daily schedule. The Benefits For Women: 1. Easier to climax. 2. More intense orgasms. 3. Elevated sensitivity in the vagina, heightening your sexual satisfaction. 4. Lower risk of incontinence (i.e. not being able to hold your pee in). 5. Easier childbirth and vaginal muscles will heal faster after birth. 6. Improve sex for your male partner by being able to tighten harder around his penis. For Men: 1. Stronger erection. 2. More Intense Orgasms. 3. Increased power of ejaculation. 4. Lower risk of impotence. Exercise Techniques: The Basic Exercise 1) Contract the PC muscle 2) Hold for a 10 count 3) Relax the PC muscle Repeat (as many times as you see fit, try to do at least 10 sets) Repeat several times each day, every day Variation 1 1) Contract the PC muscle over 5 count from relaxed to as tight as possible 2) Relax the PC muscle for 1 count Variation 2 1) Contract the PC muscle over 5 count from relaxed to as tight as possible 2) Relax the PC muscle for 1 count 3) Contract the PC muscle fast and tight for 1 count 4) Relax for 1 count 5) Contract the PC muscle fast and tight for 1 count 6) Relax for 1 count 7) Contract the PC muscle fast and tight for 1 count 8) Relax for a 10 count Variation 3 1) Tighten the PC slightly for 5 count 2) Tighten the PC slightly more for 5 count 3) Tighten the PC completely for 5 count 4) Relax the PC slightly for 5 count 5) Relax the PC slightly more for 5 count 6) Relax the PC completely for 5 count Proper Exercising: As with any form of exercise, you should make sure you are doing them properly and isolating the correct muscles to achieve the quickest and best results. While performing Kegel exercises, you should not be flexing your upper leg muscles, buttocks, or abdominal muscles. The only muscle you want to be contracting is your PC muscle. If you feel your anus tensing while exercising, do not worry, it may be difficult at first to tighten the PC muscle and anus separately. After some time, you should be able to contract the PC muscle by itself. If you get headaches while exercising, this may be a sign that you are tensing your chest muscles or perhaps holding your breath - make sure to breathe deeply and slowly. If you find the exercises tiring or if you get back pain or stomach pain after you exercise, then you are probably, a) trying too hard, and b) using stomach muscles. If you do feel any pains, make an appointment with your physician to look into the matter. Pains usually imply that the techniques aren’t being performed properly; a qualified doctor will be able to correct you, or at the very least find out if there is anything wrong. I do hope you find this informative as I did. An usen these exercises myself I can honestly say have made my sex life so much better.
Like telling a police officer where he can put that ticket, or telling your university professor what you think of 18th century legal history, there is an inherent satisfaction in saying what you think - even when you know social convention prohibits it. For anyone who has had such taboo thoughts, the resulting adrenaline (as the words sit dangerously close to the tip of the tongue) can be delicious. The expressions of such powerful scenarios derive their intensity from the same taboo social prescriptions as those fantasies wrought of a more sexual nature. The sight of an attractive police officer, nurse or flight attendant can conjure not only forbidden positions of authority, but also forbidden places for sexual activity. Everyone’s fantasy sexual experience is different, but if there are any similarities, it is that they lie outside of the usual day-to-day sexual range. They inhabit a world where circumstance and situation often conspire to prohibit satisfaction of our most erotic dreams. For most of us, finding ourselves in favor with the gods of chance should not stop us from realizing our most lascivious imaginings. This is where the delicate art of convincing a lover, or partner, to participate in a romp with a cop, schoolgirl, doctor, nurse, football team or any other such scenario, becomes so important to an exciting and fulfilling sexual life. With that being said, it is worthwhile to keep in mind that any role-play can possess the potential of eroticism; they do not need to have a power dynamic. Many times the place, position or power (known as the three P’s of erotic fantasy) can all be intertwined with the most emphasis placed on one or more of the three. The most important thing to account for is what does your fantasy consist of, where does it need to occur, and what (if any) props are needed. In many ways the understanding of the individual components of one’s fantasy are as integral to its successful realization as any persuasion or props that may be needed. The following are some hints on how to get your partner to put on put on that hospital uniform and give you an examination. They are only suggestions and the best advice is always approach your potential participant with honesty and respect. Since you probably know their individual temperament better, do go with instinct. The more you discuss what you want, and get to know what your lover wants, the greater chance you have of a great memorable experience. Communication Probably the most difficult part of beginning to talk about sexual fantasies with a lover is the exclusion aspect of personal desires. Since fantasies can be intimidating because they require such a high level of trust, so including your partner may be a tricky thing. The key is making them feel part of your imaginings. Start the conversation by discussing each other’s inner most sexual desires and, once comfortable with the topic, start to broach the idea of incorporating them into your sex life. Keep in mind during this initial stage that the uniqueness of the situation should be reinforced. This is not something that you want to do with any person that you pick up at the bar, but that you feel so comfortable with your lover that this is a way to further your intimacy. By making the situation special you are emphasizing your partner’s importance in the fantasy, helping them feel invested and sexy. Next, decide on a good time. Timing can ruin even the best ‘laid’ plans. Make sure that you provide enough time for schedules to be cleared and for other commitments to be fulfilled. This means make a stress and worry free space so that you can have your whole mind on the fun, and not stuck thinking of the hard day ahead. Hint: If you work during the week, Friday night is an especially good time because the weekend provides a good buffer. Especially for the first experimental session, try and tie it into other fun and sexy activities that you tend to do with your partner. Things like dinner, movie, dancing, etc. can serve to link the rest of the evening’s fun with other positive shared experiences. This will make future forays into fantasy sex more accessible. Engaging it Ok. So you’ve convinced your sweetheart to put on chaps and spurs, what next? Get the props and space you want to use set up beforehand. Being able to fall into the dream without having to look for the goods, or make the bed, is integral to keeping the mood and authenticity of the situation intact. Stay in character! This cannot be stressed enough. The most fun is taking the roles seriously and truly making the fantasy come to life. It will also allow whoever is less comfortable to shed the last remaining part of their natural self-consciousness and give into the fantasy. Laughing at each other, unless it feels safe for everyone and is agreed on earlier, can be a bad idea. People who are already stretching their comfort zones are likely to quickly retreat into self-consciousness. That is not to say “don’t have fun”. Experts suggest smiles and sexy noises are the best way to indicate how much fun the experience is. Let each other know that this is going well (or badly) through positive feedback, but stay away from outright laughing at first since it is easily misconstrued as mocking. So, get into it, make it intense and safe, and always agree that it can end the moment someone feels uncomfortable. It is good to know that just because it doesn’t work once, does not mean that you should stop trying. Fantasy is always fun, if done the right way. If at first you don’t succeed try, try again. In the end, the only truly effective aphrodisiac seems to be that which has been working for humans all along. "Your biggest sex organ is the one between your ears," says sex therapist Dr. Granzig. "What is desire, after all, than the hope that you can fulfill your sexual fantasies. And that's all in your mind." I do hope you enjoed this tid bit of info. Feel free to leave your tid bits below if there is anything I might have missed. Happy Sexuality.
Talking Dirty Now that you should hopefully have awakened your partner’s libido, it is time to put that final touch on. Oh yes! The feature presentation! These are some basics guidelines to keep in mind. Like deep breaths and sounds, your words should also be in sync with the rhythm you have just created. The inhale breath should almost always be heard by your partner and you should speak in the “sexy voice” on the exhale breath. Enunciate all your words to your best degree. To begin you should focus on these following questions: Which of my partner’s skills or attributes turn me on? How do they make me feel? How am I feeling right now? Dirty talking is mostly concerned with momentous sayings, so you should try to let your instinct carry you. If you feel that your partner is hot, call it as it is: “You are so hot!” If you feel that their touch makes your genitals quiver, say it: “Your touch makes my cock/pussy quiver.” If you feel that you are very hard/wet, state it: “I’m so hard/wet right now.” However, a good rule of thumb is to avoid the word “because.” You are not writing an essay question. This will avoid sounding dull and it will also add urgency. In a sense, you may be cramming a long portion of a sentence in an exhaling breath so this forces you to say it very quickly, which emphasizes that urge. For example: “You laying there naked makes my cock/pussy hard/wet because I find you to be so irresistible.” You may be feeling this, but this is a bit long. Try separating the fragments with breaths. Long inhale, “You lying there naked,” quick inhale “Makes my cock/pussy hard/wet” inhale “You’re irresistible.” This style sounds more natural than mechanical, which is the intention of good dirty talk. Another added bonus of separating the sentence is that it allows you to think on the spot. You can simply state something with out wondering whether it’s long enough, or why you feel that way. State the phrase, breathe, and add to it. To turn up the dirty talking a bit, you should focus on this question: What do I want to happen to my partner or to me? Do not be intimidated. Think about things like foreplay, oral, anal, the use of toys, different positions, being spanked, etc. The answers to this question can be transformed into very naughty phrases. These are all within you, for only you know what you want. Ok, so you can cheat if you really need to: if you draw a complete blank, watching adult films for inspiration is always a possibility. Nevertheless, you should look deep within yourself and bare all your dirty fantasies. “Long inhale, You just got out of the shower, couple breaths, I just want to fuck you until you can’t walk anymore, inhale, Cum/spray all over you, inhale, quivering exhale, inhale, Get you all dirty again.” After letting out some of your wants and desires, you may want to consider adding some more emphasis on certain subjects. One option is to add those initial sounds as previously mentioned. “Uh, inhale, I want to eat out your pussy/suck your dick, inhale, Ah.” Repetition is used to emphasize the importance of an action. “Pound me! Long inhale, Come on, quick inhale, Pound me! Inhale, Pound me harder!” You can also use adjectives and adverbs. “My nipples want your soft lips to slowly suck them and then bite them hard.” Using singular adjectives or adverbs can also be a relief from always hearing the combination of an adjective before a noun. Make sure to stress the last syllable in the word to create more of an impact. For example, the word “wet” should be pronounced as “wet-te.” “Long inhale, I love it when I/you push my/your cock so far into you/me, inhale, I feel it touching all your/my walls inside, inhale, warm, inhale, wet, inhale, moist, inhale, tight.” To avoid sounding redundant with vocabulary, attempt using metaphors. “I want to feel my/your essence leaking out of me.” “I love it when my/your pole reaches the bottom of your/my throat.” “For a more aggressive touch, using cursing can be quite thrilling. Compare “You are such a great lay” to “Holy shit! You are such a great fucking lay!” Other examples are “Fucking bang me harder, bitch/bastard,” “Fucking smack my God-damned ass,” and “Jesus, it just feels so bloody good that I want to fucking cum all over you.” Here you are able to speak louder because these phrases tend to be more aggressive. Role-playing can also be considered a section of dirty talk because even though you may be acting, there is massive dialogue. Role-playing basically concentrates on acting on your or your partner’s fantasies. This tends to be more difficult because you need to fully understand your fantasies by knowing the role of both you and your partner. For example, you need to know if your partner ought to be dumb, wild, shy, mean, etc. An easy angle to start with is the dominant and submissive roles. You choose one of these roles while your partner must choose the opposing role or vice versa. The dominant figure tends to be more aggressive in their wants and desires. They must take charge: command and demand. “I am going to handcuff you to the bed, and you better not squeal.” “Spread your legs now!” There are two sides of being submissive: the willing and the refusing. As a willing figure, you may decide to either solely perform the actions or perform with the purpose of liking them. If you are a refusing figure, you may decide to perform the commands while begging for mercy or perform after intense threats. In a case you are finding that your partner is having difficulty taking on the role of a dominant figure, you can then ask defiant questions. “What are you going to do if I refuse to even kiss you, never mind suck your cock / eat out your pussy?” If the dominant partner is still not responding, then you answer the questions. “Will he/she smack me, or pin me down?” Here the submissive partner is offering material that the dominant partner would hopefully be able to work with. There are many situations where dirty talking can be used in role playing: nurse and her not-so-sick patient, the student begging for a better grade, a master and his slave, Cleopatra seducing Caesar, popular cheerleader with the average guy, etc. Remember that the trick to having a great role-playing session is to act out exactly what you crave as long as it is to a safe degree. It is absolutely necessary to practice dirty talking with a partner that you are comfortable with. This will allow you to say exactly what you are striving for and in the end satisfy your wants and needs. Everyone has the potential of being a great dirty talker as long as you remember to work with your own instincts and try to be as natural as possible. The techniques and tips here are not etched in stone so feel free to add your personal style to them and to focus on your partner’s feedback. Please keep in mind that practice makes perfect and that variety is the spice of life. This concludes dirty talk lesson 102. Please check back for more interesting Tid Bits.
Introduction to Dirty Talk You are laying beside your partner, feeling their naked skin caress yours. Their chest rises with every whisper of a breath. You can feel their warm lips against your neck, and all of sudden, the sexually enticing words rush through your body like a jolt of energy. Have you wanted to unleash that wild side of yours through dirty talking, but haven’t found the courage, or don’t even know where to start? Here we have gathered techniques to teach beginners exactly how to do so. There are tips for breathing, body movements, sounds and the actual phrases themselves. The most important thing about talking dirty is how you say it, rather than what you say! Creating Mood For some, the first attempt at talking dirty with a partner can seem to be quite awkward. To eliminate some of that initial embarrassment, you should mention both the idea of the experiment to your partner as well as the limit of your desired kinkiness. The latter is created to help avoid a negative reaction from your partner in case you go “buck-wild” too quickly and cross their own personal boundaries. However, this chat should not occur directly before the incident; this could create massive unwanted pressure. Let’s face it – most people do not want be in the bright spot light when beginning to speak dirty. Creating a sensual mood is an essential basic to letting that naughty side out of you. No, no - - put that Barry White CD down! The aura I have in mind could be considered a little peculiar, for it consists of a rhythm of breaths and body movements, rather than the soft music and candles, as most would expect. Yet you can also use those if you feel it adds to turning you on. This aspect is the most important part of dirty talking, because it is not what you say, but how you say it. You could say the dirtiest thing in the world and yet sound as sexy as an electronic encyclopedia. Breathing Stabilizing your respiration is quite significant for it distinguishes the difference between speaking normally, and talking dirty. You should begin by imitating the deep breaths you take in the doctor’s office as he/she listens to your lungs. You have the option of breathing through your nose, mouth or both. If decide to breathe through your mouth, you do not want to form a large “o” shape with your lips. Come on, you are not a pet waiting for a treat from its owner. Instead your mouth should be slightly open, no bigger than the point of your index finger. This seems to produce a more appealing expression The speed of the breaths should co-ordinate with the progression occurring from body movements, foreplay or intercourse. If you are about to make sensual love, then the breaths should be slow, and if you are about to imitate a wild rabbit gone mad, then the breaths would obviously be faster. After accomplishing a stable beat, you should be examining the sound of your respiration. Most importantly, your exhaling should faintly die off. If the exhale breath stays one tone, it could seem abrupt and almost forced. To help you visualize the sound of this breathing technique, picture a roller coaster. As it shimmies up the tracks, you inhale. As it pauses for a mere half a second at the top, so do you. Then as it coasts down the tracks until slowing down for the next hill, you make the initial part of the exhaling breath a little loud and then slowly become quiet. You may want to consider practicing this routine when you are by yourself. Adding Sounds Once you feel comfortable with this breathing technique, you can begin to make sounds as you exhale. These sounds should usually be instinctive and relaxed such as “uh,” “ah,” “oh,” or “mmm.” Here you are able to comfortably drop your jaw to widen your mouth if wanted. Do not analyze these sounds; there is no need to worry whether you are making a correct sound. If you unsure, a good rule is that you can rarely go wrong with vowels rather than some awkward consonant. For example, perhaps you choose the sound “bah;” you will ultimately sound like one very naughty, moaning sheep. Adding Sounds Cont... The trick with these sounds is that you are not being loud; actually you are being quite faint. The desired outcome is for your voice to barely seep out. Technically, this is speech sound articulated by a momentary closing of the glottis in the back of your throat, hence restricting the airflow. In laymen terms, you are making a murmur sound or a loud whisper. This is also commonly known as a “sexy voice.” If you are having difficulty reaching this volume, imagine being backstage at a play. All of a sudden, the main character draws a blank and completely forgets all his lines. It is entirely up to you to whisper the lines loud enough for the actor to hear, but not loud enough for the audience to hear. Adding Body Movements To perfect the rhythm, you now want to add body movements. Desirably, the body movements should be in perfect harmony with your respiration; the body movement should begin and end when a breath begins and ends. As you inhale, your chest should ever so slightly rise in an upward and diagonally out motion. Naturally, your shoulders will delicately move backwards and your upper back should arch with this motion. There are many different techniques for exhaling. You can simply let your chest, shoulders, and upper back return to their original positions. This can resemble a relieving motion. Another option is to add a subtle pelvic thrust. As you inhale, let your lower back arch so your pelvis and buttocks are being pushed outwards. Your abdominal muscles are being elongated. As you exhale, squeeze your buttocks and bring your pelvis forward in a scooping motion, from a side angle, until back to its original position. To add some difficulty to these movements, try adding an abdominal contraction as you are about to make the scooping motion. A contraction is the tensing of muscles. An abdominal contraction resembles the same motion your abs make if they are about to be unexpectedly punched; your shoulders move a little forward as the abs are pushed against your back. Ultimately, the contraction should make your pelvis finish the scooping motion by delicately going upwards and back down to its original state. From a side view, the path of your pelvis should resemble the digit, “six.” For those looking for even more difficulty, let the quiver of the contraction be heard in the exhale breath. This sound can be quite sexual, for you can tie it to dirty talking concerning ejaculation. Even though all these movements are critical, you do not want to overdo the actions. You aren’t trying to get the attention of a plane. Keep it subtle or you’ll be doomed to the funky chicken dance. You can also add other smaller body movements to the rhythm such as the arching of your neck, the closing of your eyes, and the clenching of your hand or the biting of your bottom lip. This is the End of Dirty Talk Class 101. Be sure to check back for more interesting tid bits.
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