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SexiAmee's Status
For those that don't get why i don't accept friend requests, i'll keep it simple if yall never read my profile, I'm a transgender woman, i'm kinda rare on here and don't need to upset those that assume or don't take the time to read things first, been on here for 15 years and not gonna go away.
Oct 12, 2023comment
I'm only keeping my profile active to have a place to post photos as i take updated photos of myself to keep things as current as possible, i do not accept friend request at all, i will not return the favor if you took the time to rate/like/fan anything on my profile, if you can't read my status than thats not my problem and never will be.
Aug 1, 2023comment
If anyone makes contact with me in anyway or assumes they would have a chance at meeting me in person needs to know that 100% positive you have failed to peak my interest to respond and definitely not onna meet anyone in person as no one can offer what i want so i will continue to just see what needs rejecting next
Jul 4, 2022comment
if anyone sends me a message or quick chat, i will most likely not respond as i always see them late and its just not worth it to respond, i don't accept most friend requests either, i don't care if you liked, rated or commented on my profile or photos either, i'm a very picky person and its very very rare some might make it onto my friend list
Apr 7, 2019comment
finally weather is getting warmer and its that time of the year again that i will become a year older, things are even better now lol
Apr 2, 2019comment
well we won't be having a white christmas this year as it has been too warm for snow or ice, it has been min. 25 and high 50ish lately
Dec 22, 2018comment
Today sucks since we are experiencing a snow blizzard and it's a good thing I switched jobs so I wouldn't have to work outside anymore
Nov 25, 2018comment
This has to be said, if anyone has anything negative to say to me or about me, just keep it to yourself or go cry to someone that will care to hear about your negativity or hatred towards me, sending me negative or hatred photo comments, status comments or shout box IMs will get rejected and you will be blocked, i'm not here to seek your approval or acceptance, i'm just here to make friends with those that see me as just another human being that is comfortable being myself , i've been honest about who and what i am so i'm not deceiving anyone on here
Jul 3, 2017comment
I know other members might get somewhat disappointed when i don't respond to them but i'd like to apologize for it and want to let everyone know that due to me being busy with work during the day or i'm sleeping at night, i don't get time to catch a lot of my notifications especially shoutbox IMs so bare with me on this, also i am very selective who i respond to, the same goes for friend requests, i do reject FRs majority of the time for a number of reasons like age or kinda begging and missing info on profiles, comments on my photos usually get accepted unless i see something negative or just too creepy, i'll try to do my best to give update postings a lil better in the future
Jun 6, 2017comment
since most now know that i'm transgender and don't have a problem with it, i've decided to do the one thing i didn't want to but because i get asked quite a lot i'm now unlocking the door to my nsfw album lol, if anyone wants to throw hate at me just know you will not phase me lol
Mar 3, 2017comment
To anyone that sends me a message, friend request or shoutbox chat, please read my profile or understand that i am transgender but have not begun my transition yet so i do still live as a guy even though i do not see myself as a guy, i also am still seeking a boyfriend or girlfriend for you curious people on here lol
Feb 21, 2017comment
I decided it was time to make it aware in case my profile doesn't get read, i know i claim my gender to be female but to be honest i'm not , i'm a non-op mtf transgender and i'm still working towards my transition, fubar doesn't offer anything for LGBT folks so thats why i marked myself as female, i'm also single and still looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend.
Nov 22, 2016comment
finally got my car paid off, been exhausting working full time at my job now after being there for 2 years now but really don't wanna keep going with it, started up my own site to help bring in more income but gotta get a minor issue fixed and later change a couple of things to it but things are improving since i've been here in kansas, oh and still single but oh well lol
Oct 6, 2016comment
As an Update i'm moving out of texas and relocating to kansas but a better change and to finally be closer to family and being able to realize i'll be closer to my hometown than i have been for almost 30 years
Sep 5, 2014comment
well i'm tired of dealing with all these alerts i keep getting so i'm gonna take a from the site for a while, have a nice spring season fubar members
Apr 2, 2014comment
i'm really happy now since i found a man that is everything i been wanting :D no more single life for me lol, and guys can yall start asking before sending friend requests?
Mar 9, 2014comment
I know i've been away for a few months and noticed all the alerts but i am rarely every here anymore and honestly not sure i wanna keep my profile active anymore, although my photos are 100% real and sorta me , my profile was mainly created as a fantasy cy
Sep 11, 2013comment
finally my allergies are gone, but unfortunately i think i will be logging off for another long while, i am not really seeing much of a reason to stick around, maybe i'll come back sometime down the road every now and then just to check on things
Jan 20, 2013comment
sorry that i haven't responded to chat messages but i haven't felt good for the last couple of weeks:( hate having allergies
Jan 2, 2013comment
sorry that i haven't responded to chat messages but i haven't felt good for the last couple of weeks:( hate having allergies
Jan 2, 2013comment
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